1. Homecoming or not...

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A new start, you stepped out into the warm spring of Seoul. The spring was that one season you held onto, it gave you hope every year. You were moving back, after taking a gap year.
"You're lucky enough to get the manager position you know." Jinhee said as she helped you load your suitcase into the car. "Well I did top among all the applicants during the entrance so hell yes I do deserve that position." You smirk as she closes the trunk. "You better not back out this time." Jinhee grinned as she held out her arms for a hug. You smiled and wrapped her into a hug, it was so warm and comforting to feel her in your embrace again. "I won't bestie, I won't."

The drive was peaceful. The sun was high up in the sky but the air was still chilly. You tugged at your jacket, it sure was chilly but you were more concerned about Jinhee who looked like she was over speeding. "Jinhee, when did you get your driver's license again?" You asked as you held on for dear life. "Last week, I may have bribed the examiner to give it to me earlier than expected because I wanted to drive you around when you came." She pouted looking at you. You laughed nervously as you hesitantly push a strand of your hair behind your ear. "T-that's cute--."

Jinhee just giggled as she moved her eyes towards the road. The rest of the drive was just her speeding and you praying to some deity above to get you to your destination in one piece. The last time she drove her dad's car it didn't end well. Jinhee was very impulsive, she got into car racing a few years ago and now you're pretty sure the woman thinks that every car is a race car and speeds off. How have the cops not caught her? You have no idea. Has she bribed them cause her dad is the police commissioner? Probably. Is Jinhee rich? Yes, she runs a coffee shop with her roommate as a hobby.

You finally arrived at the building, where your new soon to be home would be. You stepped out of the car and arched my head up to get a good look. It was a circular shaped dome like structure with spiral staircases. The building was a freshly painted white. The second floor was still under construction, you could see the plastic sheets. The first floor had a psychiatric clinic, the third floor was occupied by Jinhee's coffee shop and the fourth floor aka the rooftop was going to be occupied by you.
"Do you like it?" She asked wrapping her arm around you. "It looks do-able." You said musing around the view. "The parking lot is below the building, incase you were wondering." She added. "Well my car is still with the movers so thanks for the information I guess?" You said as a matter of fact-ly. "Your welcome." She giggled not being able to grasp the sarcasm. Linking her arms with yours, she says "Let's go to my coffee shop, I can gave you a free espresso and some blueberry cheesecake."
"Free food and coffee? Hell yeah bestie."

Walking up the spiral staircases was a treat especially since Jinhee knew everyone and was giving you tea about the psychiatrist on the first floor. "Dr. Chae is not much of a talker but I really think that dude would be better off as a shaman, he can read people's emotions better than that quack of a shaman I visited at the temple the other day."
"Yeah but not everyone likes to be you know an open book."
"Oh yes he knows that, his favourite saying is and I quote 'Speaking the truth is a form of assault' I don't know where he got that idea from, but if you apply to your expansion of ideas, it makes more sense."
You nodded in agreement. He seemed extremely mysterious. But the fact that he can read people so fast? Damn it must be hard to be friends with someone like him.

"Oh and it's really hard to be friends with him." Jinhee added as if reading your mind. You smiled, she was a bit dense but she was smart. You finally arrived on the third floor, where Jinhee's coffee shop was. She pushed the door open and spread her arms saying "Bienvenido al paraíso, amigo mío ". (Welcome to Paradise, my friend)
"Wow!" You break into an awe. It was a cafe straight out of the 50's . The sunlight poured in through the lovely patio, and shone all over the porcelain chairs and quaint marble tables. There was a neon sign which said "We all are human beans." The turquoise cup and saucers had has gold cracks painted on them and were hung neatly on the rack. There was a brewing machine in the back and the menu with the snacks were was on stuck on the wall.

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