2. In fact, you tricked me and tripped me

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You were right on time, today woo hoo! You head in through the glass door greeting Mr. Jung and Mr. Shin as they open the door. "Good morning Manager Lee." They chime in together. "Good morning." You smiled as you run towards the front desk where your colleague Lim Changkyun was speaking to a client on the phone. "I'm sorry sir, but there are no more rooms." He said in an apologetic tone. You pant as you mouth to him "Is it the ambassador?" . He nods and takes his index finger circling it around the side of his head. You could hear the man screaming. Changkyun rolled his eyes and yelled into the mouth piece. "Listen you misogynistic piece of shit, you should have booked a room in advance instead of harassing my manager. You think she's gonna take your bullshit? I'm gonna kick your ass you fucking moron--"
You panicked grabbing the phone from him "Hello? Hello sir?"
The line went dead.

You glared at him. "What part of 'no profanity while dealing with humanity' do you not understand?"
He hung his head slowly turning red "I was just trying to help you know, he kept insulting you and said that women should not be in big positions because they're useless."
"Changkyun, I know you like me. But I deal with my own problems. And if someone has a problem with me, I deal with them."
"No ifs and buts, that was not required." You lower yourself as you whisper into his ears. "I'm letting it slide this time so make sure you don't do this again."
He blushed shyly and nodded.
You shoot him a smile and head to the lockers to get changed into your uniform.

A grey skirt suit with a golden name tag. General Manager Lee Y/N.
You smile at your reflection in the mirror and get ready for work.
Since Changkyun screwed up, you had to have a meeting, to go over the rules again. "Come on! If one person screws up why does the entire staff have to sit down for a meeting." Mr. Jung added glaring at an embarrassed Changkyun. "Hey! If Receptionist Lim hadn't done something our manager would have had to sit down and listen to the ambassador vent about how he hates women, like my guy why do you get married to women when you hate them?" Manager Kang folded his arms and sat down.

"Okay! Okay! Attention!" You clap your hands trying to get everyone's attention.
"Now shall we go over the rules again?"
The meeting luckily ended in fifteen minutes. And everyone went on and about your their job.

7:00 PM
You stepped out into the chilly December night. Christmas was in a few weeks and you weren't sure how to spend it. "Noona!!" A familiar voice cried, you turn around to see Changkyun. "Well well if it isn't my cute stalker?" You smile. "Are you walking me home today as well?"
He nodded. You smile and ruffle his hair.
It was a daily habit of his to walk you home.

It had been six months since that incident. And ever since you told Changkyun about it, he refused to let you walk home alone. "You know you don't have to do this right?" You giggle as he opened his car door for you. "A murder occurred on the second floor of your residence, how can I not be worried?"
You felt really bad for leading him on this way. Every guy you ever dated was an alcoholic just like your father, and thanks to your superhero complex, you dated them in the hopes of changing their behaviours. But each of those damned relationships ended with you in the hospital with bruises and soju bottle pieces stuck into your skin.

Changkyun knew that you were leading him on but he played along and you were scared. Everytime someone shows you kindness or concern you felt attracted towards them, every one of those people who did turned about to be abusers. But it felt so different with Changkyun, there was this sincerity in his eyes when he asked you about your health, this visible sadness when you say that you hadn't visited the doctor. The joy in his smile, when you greet him at the front desk every morning. Each of these emotions coming out of him were more sincere than you had ever seen a man in your life be. That's what attracted you towards him.

He was always cheerful and put up with your moody tantrums better than Jinhee or Minhyuk could ever. In your eyes, he deserved so much better, so much better than you. You like him, but you shouldn't fall for him. For now you wanted his friendship.

Walking up the hill towards the spiral staircase and that too backwards was probably a bad idea. You bump into someone's back and hear them spill something on their shoe. "Jesus--Oh My God! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" You cry.
"It's alright, Ms. Lee I figured you'd be the clumsy type."
"Wow see that tag on over there on your coffee, it's a sign for you to shut up." You add sarcastically.

Dr. Chae just giggled and adjusted his glasses. He looked like he got coffee from Jinhee's coffee shop and was probably heading home. "Well let me buy you coffee tomorrow then."
"Ah you always say that Ms. Lee but everytime I come knocking at your door, you're already headed for work."
"You're really asking for a warm hot slap right across your pretty face."
"Oh so you're into spanking. Kinky."
"Who's into spanking?" asked a curious Changkyun

You turn around and chuckle nervously at him. "Well stalker meet my neighbour. Neighbour here's my stalker. The one's who extremely cute and adorable."
They shake hands as the psychiatrist eyes your colleague weirdly. "Chae Hyungwon, My office is on the first floor."
"Lim Changkyun, I'm Ms. Lee's subordinate."
"Oh subordinate as in, in bed?"
Your eyes widen in shock, as you hit his back. "What the fuck?!?" You glare at him.
"What don't you like him? The other day you were-- Holy Mother of God!" Yeah, kneeing his balls did the trick.
Changkyun was so confused about the situation as he scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah?" You ask chok-slamming Hyungwon.
"I'm gonna go..."
"Oh yeah yeah go on ahead. Thanks for dropping me bub."
"Yeah... good night!" He bowed as he trotted away towards the parking lot.

"You bitch!" You growled kicking Hyungwon's ass.
"What?" He chuckles.
"Shut up, you pencil." You growl as you take to the stairs.
"Awwww did I ruin your chances of getting a Prince Charming?" teased Hyungwon as you headed up.
You make that blank face when you're annoyed and take off your sneaker, speeding down the stairs chasing behind him.
Well you can just say the night ended rather badly for Hyungwon.

8:00 AM
You clocked in for work, noticing that Yohan wasn't at the front door. "Mr Shin, where's Mr. Jung?"
"He said he need to take a drip so he went to the washroom, it's been forty five minutes now and he hasn't come out."
"Huh? Must be a bad case of diarrhea then. Did he eat anything weird yesterday?"
"Besides that sandwich, Manager Kang gave him I don't think so..."

The phone on the front desk rang and you sprinted towards it and picked it up.
"Hello! This is the front desk speaking."
"Noona." You heard a similar voice on the other end of the line.
"Changkyun? What's wrong?" You asked sensing the worry in his voice.
"Manager Kang is missing."
"Yes, he said he was going to the washroom and he hasn't come out yet."
"Is the faculty washroom open?"
"The men's one is closed..." He whispered on from the other end of the line.
"Changkyun, where are you right now?"
"I'm outside the faculty washroom."
"Changkyun get out of there and come to the front desk, don't make a sound and come here immediately. I don't have time for an explanation, trust me."

Suddenly a crash was heard on the other end of the line, all the bones in your body freeze. The possibilities of what could have caused the sound were running through your paranoid mind. No, you didn't like him. But you didn't want anything happening to him. He was such a sweet, kind, adorable and loving colleague. You'd marry him if you were attracted to him. You wanted to celebrate Christmas with him. You still hadn't had your birthday party with him, heck you hadn't throw a suprise party for him. You both still had to watch movies together . You wanted to go sky diving with him. Play Doom slayer with him. So many things you wanted to do with him. With him. Together. Just the two of you.
"Fuck you, Lim Changkyun. I think I've fallen for you." you thought.

Just before you could say something, the line goes dead.

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