3. A smiley face carved with a knife :)

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6 months ago...
Your head hurt, the pain was unbearable. It felt as if your brain was splitting into two. Wanting to know the source of your pain, you let your left hand wander behind your head and trying to find it. As your fingers slowly trace your hairy head, you feel a hard surface that seemed pushed right between your skull. You gingerly take your index finger and try to push it off.

The pain shot through. It spread from the center of your brain, to your right and left neural lobes, to the back of your eyes and you screamed. It was unbearable. It felt as if. As if someone was trying to crack your head open. The realisation slowly dawns upon you, terrified.
You slowly turn your head towards the mirror.

You see your miserable reflection in the mirror and as your eyes roll upwards and you lift your head. You scream in horror at what you see in the mirror. An axe was heaved in the center of your skull, almost splitting your head into half. You could see the bloody contents inside of your head. You scream in pain, in sorrow, frantically trying to pull the axe out of your head. The pain was numbing away. You couldn't feel it anymore. You couldn't feel your body anymore, you couldn't feel anything. Your hands loosened their grip on the axe as your eyes slowly shut, leaving you into an unknown darkness

"No, no please." You mumble in your sleep.
"She's talking." said a deep voice as he grabbed your palm and held your head. "Ma'am are you okay? Are you awake? Can you hear me?"
"NO!" you scream sitting up, trembling.
"Ms Lee are you okay? Can you hear me?" The doctor grabbed his stethoscope and a torch.
"Ms Lee, please say something."
"T-There was an axe, and i-it.." you fell out of breath as you scream and cry. "It.."
The younger individual grabbed you into his arms and pulled you into a hug as he whispered sweetly in your ear.
"It's alright, it's okay. There's nothing. It's okay. There's nothing happening see?" He looked into your eyes.

His eyes, they were beautiful. Brown in color. Filled with warmth and sincerity. Has gaze was a mixture of worry, pity and a hint of possessiveness. You got lost.
You weren't sure if it was the fact that his eyes were chocolate brown, or that his gaze was calming you down. Was it the genuine worry? Or was it the pity? You couldn't tell. And that possessiveness. Heck you didn't even know this guy, and the way he looked at you. He looked as if he was ready to cross another galaxy for you. Caught off guard, you feel your cheeks warming up.

"Is she okay?" he asked. His voice was so deep. Why are you finding a mere stranger you barely know or met two seconds ago, attractive? Was it his perfect visage? Was it his charming monolids? You couldn't tell. Was it those pouty lips? Heck this dude is attractive but right now staying in his embrace any longer will cause your body to overheat. Gently pushing him away you speak slowly "I'm alright, it was just a nightmare."

"Well that's a relief." The doctor looked at you. "W-What happened?" You ask groaning sleepily. "You passed out, at a construction site. This young man over here luckily was passing by and saw you there." He pointed towards the handsome guy. He was a tad bit shorter than you. He had dark brown hair which was cut cleanly. He wore a black turtleneck and jeans and was a blushing mess as the doctor keep shooting him with compliments about how he was a gentleman and saved you from being a suspect of a murder case.

"Sir you don't have to compliment me for human decency." He said shyly as the doctor patted his back. "You're pretty." You said unaware of the fact that it came out loudly from your mouth. "I----" the boy blushed and you covered your mouth in embarassment mentally cursing yourself. The doctor chuckles as he loosen his grip over the boy's shoulder. "Get some rest, Ms Lee."

The next few hours passed by with you two just staring blankly and avoiding each other's gaze.
How am I supposed to explain that? You thought to yourself. The situation was so awkward. "Excuse me--" he said softly with a mild hesitancy in his voice.
"Yes..?" You answered plastering a nervous smile on your face.
"I have to go...I'm late for work.." he said slowly playing with his fingers. Judging by his body language you could tell he didn't want to leave you, but then it'd be better to be with Jooheon or Jinhee rather than have a complete stranger take care of you.
No! Why did my tone make it seem like I want him to stay? You groaned internally, kicking yourself mentally.
"Yeah-- I'll may be visit you after work--"
"No no that's not required! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness though." You smile at him sweetly but internally you were sweating. You didn't want to let this guy go. You wanted to ask for his number.
But before you could open your mouth, a familiar voice screams "Noona!!!!!"

You turn to see your younger brother Jooheon. His face was a mess, eyes were red and puffy as if he had been crying for hours. His nose made him look like Rudolph. He was still in his work uniform, he must have had the night shift.
"Joo." You smile at him as he runs towards your bed and gives you a big bear hugs and then proceeds to attack your visage with his kisses.
You giggled, it felt great to be meeting him after a year.
His head suddenly turns towards the other boy standing there smiling and admiring the love you and your twin share. "You must be Changkyun." He said drawing his hand out for a shake.
"Oh yes I am." replied Changkyun taking his hand as they have a firm handshake.

"Thank you so much for saving my sister's life." He added as he got down on his knees.
"Oh my god--" Changkyun panicked as he tried to lift him up "Please stand up, you really don't have to thank me for this."
The scene was kinda comedic but you held the laughter in. "Umm Jooheon, as grateful as we are to Changkyun, I think you need to let him go, he's late for work."
"Wait really?" His eyes shone with confusion as he got up.
"Yeah." Changkyun added shyly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, then as a gesture of gratitude, let me drop you off, please. This is the least I can do for you." Jooheon requested making those shiny eyes of his no one can resist. And Changkyun was yet another victim of its charm.
You lightly giggle covering your mouth. Not noticing Changkyun's gaze shift towards you. But why? Was this gaze more different than the one before? The same eyes, the same smile, the same face. The same gaze was far from loving, it was egoistic, but you were so lost in the moment that you didn't realise how scary it really looked.

Present time

Never in your life had you ever ran so fast, towards the faculty lounge. The day they were serving Currywurst? You were practically begging your colleagues to slow down because you were having a hard time running in your tight uniform with your stilettos. The day the K-pop group GOT7 was giving out gifts in the lounge as a token of gratitude for taking care of them? You were taking your time, got out of your uniform and into your casual clothes and took your gift at last place waiting for everyone to finish fangirling over them.

But right now you're pretty sure Usain Bolt couldn't beat you, you started in a trot and knocked your stilettos off your feet and bolted in your cream colored stockings with your bare feet touching the carpeted surface of the hotel flooring. The exculator was still running. You ran down turning right, towards the lounge, you practically broke the door open. If it weren't for your colleague Eunha to stop you. "Ms Lee! What are you doing?"
"Changkyun's in danger!" you cry banging the door. Eunha made a confused face at that statement. "What do you mean in danger? He's literally smoking outside with Manager Kang and Mr. Jung." You stop and turn around facing her. "What did you say?"
"He's gone for a smoke break. On the rooftop."

You calmly back off and walk up the exculator as you see the other workers stare at your clown condition. Your mascara had rolled down your cheeks, making you look like a zombie bride. Your perfect bun had loosened up making you look like the female lead of Clean With Passion For Now. Your nose was runny like a tank. The other workers were staring at your deranged state. As you slowly walk up and grab the stilettos and run for your life towards the locker room.

"Argh what am I doing?" You sigh pacing around grabbing your already messy hair in frustration. By tomorrow morning everyone is gonna know that I have it in for Changkyun, Jesus Christ why can't I stay calm?
Your thoughts were interrupted by someone slamming the door open with a loud bang, you gasp grabbing your chest in suprise.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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