Y/n and the Hairy Pottah Boi

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A/n: Heyyyyyy Guyyyyssss so some of you might have seen my pervious story about Y/n becoming the Slytherin Qween with Drako but a lot has changed since then:

~ Me and Joshua finally married (In Italy because of something about his work as a gang leader. Lol)

~ The triplets have grew! Chavette, Chavy-Innit and Man-ain'thot are all one month old now!!! My other child, Drapple, has died from being trampled over by a horse but who cares? She was ugly and not quirky enough.

~ Me and Joshie have moved into my Chem teacher's old mansion because I married him then killed him for his money #Girlboss

~ Yeah, and I've also like to say that my new Bestie who I met like a week ago, is dead because her father was an ant and she was an ant but her mother was a Zebra so she had a short life expectancy 

On with this new fanfic:

Y/n put her blonde unicorn marshmallow hair up into a messy bun and sighed whilst she looked into the mirrior.

It was hard being Y/n. She was a rich, white girl living in a world full of magic and was dating Harry Pottah but still, her parents died when she was only 0.263753274 second years old and they were both squished to death by her aboosive auntie, Minnie McGonagall.

Ever since she ran away from home and went to live with her boyfriend, Hairy Pottah, she had had such a hard life 🥺📜✨

First, Harry was so poor. He only had 236579245964 million and not 7785478235847535473285463546354635465 million billion trillion pounds so they were stuck inside their only twelve story tall mansion. 

"I love you, Y/n," sighed Harry as he came home from his work as a professional idiot. Ha ha. Y/n was so good at making quirky jokes.

"I'm so sorry I'm poor," sighed Hairy as he took his shoes off and entered the kitchen where Y/n was sitting down.

"Get cooking you professional idiot!" Y/n screamed. Ha ha. She was amazing with jokes.

"Ha ha," laughed Hairy. "You're so good at jokes."

Harry started cooking a meal of pizza and chips but Y/n started crying. She was allergic to pizza and chips and wanted to eat sushi all day long so that her farts would remain rainbow coloured.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n," said Harry as he pulled out the sushi from the fridge. "I know I'm such a bad boyfriend and I do nothing right but here."

"You are an idiot," fumed Y/n. "You're always so poor and ugly. I wanna be with someone that's hot and cute and doesn't have a stupid scar on his face because of his daddy and momma's death!!!! I hate YoUuuUuUUuU!!!!"

Harry ran out the house but not before Y/n kicked him down onto the floor like the #Girlboss she was 🤩👏🏼

"Ugh," said Hairy. "I'm selling you to my friend tomorrow. I hate you!"

And that was the start of Y/n and Drako's great love Uwu

Y/n and Draco; the ultimate love story 🥺✨(Y/n x Draco book #2)Where stories live. Discover now