New University

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I'm starting to like my new university and I'm still doing my best to forget about my feelings for Kaile. People are really nice here and they do treat me well, But this person is really different from other people. Felix, Felix was the first person who confronted me and talked to me even though he doesn't know me, He's a happy, calm and kind, And did I mention? He is the son of our principal in this school.


-It's been a month and things are getting worse and worse. I haven't talked to Bryle about how I became Zannett girlfriend. I don't really like Zannett but I have to force myself to love her because that's the only way of how I can help my Dad's business, I do hope that Bryle is in a good hand, I do miss him....

~Back to Bryles Pov
I have been busy with school projects lately but good thing is that Felix is there to help me. One time I had to go to the mall but I'm not that familiar in this new mall good thing that I saw Felix and yes he did help me pick the things that I need. He's just a friend of mine for a week but....

"I think I like Felix!"

Zannett has been more flirty than ever, I never wanted to be in this kind of relationship but I do want to help my Dad to recover his business. But I have a bad feeling about what's gonna happened next. I hope to see you again Bryle, I do miss you but I think it's better for the two of us to think about our families and yes I will try to move on, This is probably a good thing for the two of us, To move on....

Hi everyone! Sorry again if this is a short episode, I need to study for our Test tomorrow morning I hope u understand! Goodnight everyone!
( I will make the next episode tomorrow if I have time)

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