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-I'm the one who should suffer! Not you, If I didn't became selfish because of the feelings all of this wouldn't happened to you! I'm so sorry Bryle. I'm so sorry if I liked you, I should have controlled my feelings.

-You... What?!

-I like you Bryle...
-I hope we can still be friends after this thought I know that it will be awkward for you, and don't worry about me I know that you like someone else, Felix right?

-No wait hold on, just give me time to think okay?

-Yea sure, but please take a rest for now. I should go you can call me if you need anything , Goodbye Bryle.


-While taking a rest and thinking of what Kaile said, an unknown number called me. -

-Unknown Number-

-Hey Bryle! I heard that you got into a car crash! How are you? Are you okay? Where are you rn?
:Other line

-I'm so sorry but who is this?

-This is Felix, Your friend remember? Now where are you? Are you fine?

-Oh hey Felix... Uhm ye I'm fine why did you suddenly call?

-Good thing that you're fine, I'm your frirnd of course I'll be worried. Where are you right now?

-I'm at ********* Hospital, You don't have to worry I'm fine now Felix.

-Okay then stay and take a rest, Ill gi there rn-

-You don't ha-

~Before Bryle can even talk, Felix already ended the call. ~

15minutes have past and I heard a knock on the door, I answered with a low voice and saw Felix standing in front of the Room. How does he even know that I'm in this room?!

<How are you Bryle? Why is there no one here?

<Why are you here Felix? I td you dad you don't have to go here.

<Yes I know but I'm your friend right

<Uhh well but you shouldn't worry, Thanks for the Fruits. You can go now

<No, I'll stay here, Take a rest friend.

<I didn't bother try to shoo him again so I just slept.

Until the next day I woke up and saw Kaile standing at the side of my bed but where is Felix? We then saw the restroom opening Felix walking out of the restroom.

-Shocked of who I saw I immediately stand up.

<Bryle, you already have someone to take care of you. I should go now>

<No wait, I'm Felix I'm a friend of Bryle, We can all be here right?

<Hello Felix, I'm Kaile. Uhh Bryle I have to go now, Goodbye.

-Kaile runs through the hallway of the hospital and I tried to call him but he wouldn't want to look back.

-At the Door of the hospital I talked to Kaile while trying to get back my breath from running-


-I think I already know the answer of your question Kaile.

-Bryle you don't have to, Now go back to Felix.

-No! You don't know anything!

-Well you don't know anything about my feelings!

-I like you to Kaile! I have liked you since the day that I met you!

-Did you... But what about your feelings for Felix?

-I just tried to remove my feelings for you Kaile! I Dropped out of the school to forget my feelings for you but I can't!

-Bryle... I Like you too, So are we now...?

-But what about you and Zannett? I thought you will marry her?

-I did that for my Dad's company, But we stopped the contract with Zannett's father already.

-Yes, I know that you two will be together soon, I'm happy for the two of you

-Good Day Everyone! Tomorrow is the last Part/Episode of this story, I hope you enjoy it Love u all!

Until our last breath (Mewgulf) Where stories live. Discover now