Chapter Four- November

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Thanks for reading, it's a long one! Comments and votes mean the world to me :))

I didn't get enough sleep last night. I didn't notice how late it had gotten after I finished my pre-calc homework, and rehearsal yesterday had left my muscles sore. Also, my favorite TV character just died. I cried over that for a few hours last night too. Overall, I wasn't doing great.

Study group that Friday was boring me out of my exhausted skull. When Jeremy asked for help on enzymes, I almost walked out and slept on the couch in the back of the library. Unfortunately, I was still in my hard plastic chair, watching Rachel giggle after Will made some stupid joke about frogs. I honestly can't remember what it even was. A tap on my shoulder takes me out of my daydream about my comfortable, beautiful bed. I turn to my left, to see Zack smiling at me.

"So, are you coming to the game tomorrow night?" he asks, running a hand through his mess of brown hair. I didn't usually go to the soccer games, but I wouldn't be opposed. I could understand soccer pretty well, and if I got some friends to come with me it could be pretty fun.

"Should I?" I ask, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. I may be pushing it with the flirting a little bit, but I've been told what I think is extreme is basically nonexistent.

"If I get the next review question right, you have to come."

"Well, I probably won't be going then." I grab the review flashcards while Thomas chuckles behind me. Zack didn't look as amused. "What is the purpose of glycolysis?"

I can see the wheels turning in Zack's head. He didn't pay much attention in our study group, but he was one of those naturally intelligent types.

"To break down glucose molecules into pyruvate." He answers me, a smug look on his face. "Looks like you'll be in the stands tomorrow at seven."

"Well, Anna and I will definitely be there." Anna always watches Jeremy's games, and usually brings some sort of embarrassing glitter sign. "Rachel, wanna come?"

"Why not?" Rachel shrugs. "You coming, Will?" Will picks pieces of lint off his purple crewneck.

"Well, I gotta be there to cheer for my boy Thomas, anyway." Everyone turns to look at Thomas, who just shoots Will a look.

"Wait, but you're never at practice with Zack and Jeremy?" Anna questions, looking between all four boys. Thomas rolls his green eyes.

"I'm an alternate, so I only go a couple times a week. I don't play much."

"Are you playing tomorrow?" Rachel asks him. He takes a deep breath, and huffs it right back out.

"Let's hope not."

I turn back to my notebook to find my pencil is missing. I look over at Thomas, who was suddenly holding a bright pink mechanical pencil.

"Real mature Thomas." I mutter, reaching into my backpack for another pencil.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about." Thomas lies, chewing on the end of my pencil. I guess it's his now.

The stands are surprisingly packed for the game, a sea of blue and white. I find Anna, Will, and Rachel near the front, cuddled under a fuzzy blanket. Whoever decided that outdoor sports should be played in November is an idiot.

"Want some hot cocoa?" Anna offers when I approach the bleachers. I nodded, and she gave me a little paper cup filled with the warm, brown liquid. I sit between Rachel and Anna, with Will next to Rachel, cocooned under the blanket. It was a pretty sweet setup. It also happened to be the perfect opportunity to talk Anna up to Will, who would hopefully report back to Thomas.

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