Part Ten- December

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ello luvs. i appreciate the new reads, comments and votes literally make my world. tell me which character is your favorite in the comments :)

 "Hey, Amelia." Rachel greets from behind me. "Whatcha listening to?" She plucks my earbud out, and I turn around at my desk to face her.

"Little bit of this, little bit of that." I shrug, burying my cold hands in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

"Liar." Rachel pokes my chest. "I checked your Apple Music. You have to listen to something else besides Taylor's Red album."

"I'm just trying to support her re-recordings." I defend, squinting at Rachel.

"And I'm just trying to support your mental well being."

"It wasn't that big of a deal!" I say. "I'm over it."

"You didn't get over a cheater in two weeks." Rachel shakes your head. "Not if I haven't seen you wear jeans in just as long."

"Oh, screw you." I whisper as our pre-calc teacher walks up to the board. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to be comfortable anymore.

The last two weeks have been fine. Zack and I have been avoiding each other like a child in the 1300s avoiding the plague. My friends have been waiting for me to break down, but I haven't. Or at least I haven't since the night of SnowBall with Thomas. Speaking of Thomas, we've gotten a lot closer recently. We don't talk about Zack, but he sends me music recommendations, and I send him books and stories to read. Then, we go to the coffee shop so I can listen and he can read.

There hasn't been a study group since SnowBall, probably because nobody knows if we should invite Zack. Will told me he wants to study in the library during lunch today, so we'll see who shows up. At this point, what's the worst that could happen? Zack doesn't have the balls to show up.

***********************************************************************************************So, contrary to popular belief, Zack does, in fact, have the balls to show up.

Everything was going smoothly at first, as the group (except the aforementioned asshole) gathered in the library, books open on the table. I was just browsing Pinterest on my computer, because in all honesty I don't get much homework. I was starting a new board of outfits when Zack came in.

"Hey, guys." Zack said, scratching the back of his neck. Nobody else said a word, and I was frozen in my seat, staring at the boy I hadn't seen since I slammed the door in his face that night.

"Nope!" Will finally exclaims, jumping up. He grabs Zack by the elbow and starts dragging him towards the door as he tries to wiggle out of Will's grip. "I don't think this is the best place for you right now."

"I just want to talk to her!" Zack yells, and everyone in the library starts to stare at the scene the boys are causing. "Ame-"

"Dude, it's time for you to go." Will says grimly. "I'm not playing around."

Zack finally gives up, yanking his arm out of Will's hold. He stomps out the door, and Will walks back to the library table like nothing happened.

"So, polynomial equations, right?"


I'm putting a new bike on my Christmas list this year. It takes me about five minutes to bike to the library from my house, but twenty minutes to walk. Unfortunately, Thomas was picking up Sarah, so he couldn't drive me.

Walking in December can be nice though. The Christmas lights, the children decorating their trees you can see through the window. Our winter break starts next week, and I definitely need it. Any excuse I can not to see Zack for two more weeks. I wasn't paying much attention when I walked through the library parking lot, so I probably could have gotten hit by a car, but what happened was much worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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