Chapter 7 ~ A Perfectly Imperfect Day

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The remainder of young Mirielle's birthday was enjoyable; she had some of her favourite classes; Potions, Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts, to mention a few. Although McGonagall had issued the trio of friends a detention, she couldn't help but like the woman. Her quick wit and intelligence went over most of the students' heads throughout their class in transfiguring their desk into a pig. Mirielle caught on, however; the two sharing a few short moments of silent humour.

When the birthday girl arrived in the Gryffindor Common Room, a small pile of presents, a chocolate cupcake from dinner donning a single candle and her group of friends waited to greet her. "Happy Birthday, Mirielle!" They jeered, the girls of the group flapping their arms about excitedly. There was Marlene, Lily (to Mirielle's surprise), Mary and Alice. The four boys each hugged her excitedly; Peter, Remus, Sirius and finally...James.

"Agh, guys! You didn't have to do this..." She groaned, the heat rising to her cheeks in embarrassment as they heeded her towards one of the chaise lounges, beside her gifts. "Oh, shove off!" James muttered in false anger, cutting his siblings' protests short.

"Oh! Save that one for last. That one's mine!" James quickly took the present Mirielle had began to open from her hands, tossing it aside onto another sofa, completely out of her reach. "O-O...Kay." Mirielle laughed, leaning towards another present.

Seeing as nobody knew her well enough to come up with a personable present, they all stuck with safe choices. But those simple choices meant more than the world to young Mirielle; for she had only expected a gift from James and her parents. This was more than enough...

Remus had gifted her chocolate; as he put it, 'the sweet deliciousness is an ailment to many illnesses.' Along with a very scientific explanation that chocolate, in fact, had the ability to release endorphins; a muggle scientific discovery that Mirielle had no choice but to believe.

Marlene, Alice and Mary all banded together to give their friend a small makeup kit, to James' slightly disappointed reaction, "Just don't wear it too often, yeah?" He asked sheepishly, warranting a slap on the shoulder from his sister. "Remember who is the older sibling!" She cursed him, flitting back to the box filled with various lip-glosses, eyeshadows and blush. She hated to admit, she couldn't wait to get her hands on them and try everything!

"I don't want loads of boys asking you out. They talk about you enough, as it is!" James Potter spat, a small and disbelieving smirk trailing across his sister's lips, "They do?" Her eyebrow quirked.

James rolled his eyes, "Well, you are the most popular kid on our year...Next to me of course." He winked playfully, a scoff emitting from Mirielle as she shook her head and averted her attention back onto the presents, opening Peter's. Inside was a small bell with a fairy light inside. Confused, her eyes found the small and timid boy. A nervous smile spread across his chapped lips, "I heard you mention that you keep losing your owl if you let her go in the night. At least, this way, she won't get lost." The boy shrugged, averting his gaze onto the floor.

Mirielle chuckled, her eyes gleaming under the light of her new gift, "It's perfect, Peter!" She gaped, jingly the bell slightly in her fingertips, "Thank you."

Next was Lily, who had gifted the girl a Muggle book she had in her dorm; The turn of the screw. "It's a ghost story. I thought you might like it." The red-head smiled, hardly getting another word in before Mirielle pulled her into a hug; it appeared their friendship was slowly mending in both their eyes. Who'd have thought? Mirielle chuckled to herself at the thought, bemused for a moment before another hand outstretched a gift.

The Potter girl's eyes landed onto those familiar sea of grey ones, a massive grin on his face as she accepted the envelope, opening it very carefully. Inside was a birthday card; hand-drawn, with the sketch of a Mooncalf; even more detailed than the one he had drawn in their first lesson together. The drawing came to life on the page, prancing about with an excited gleam in its eyes as Mirielle watched in amazement.

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