Chapter 14 ~ Christmas

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Christmas at the Potter Manor was not something to be overlooked; for it was a grand celebration for the small family of four. Euphemia Potter would decorate the house from head to toe in red, green and silver; five trees in total would be sprinkled about the stately home. And from the ceiling would hang foil decorations that rotated and reflected the light, causing various patterns to project onto the walls. It was Mirielle's favourite time of year, next to Halloween. And yet, she wondered what the students in Hogwarts would be doing that had to spend that time of year without their families. And then an even worse thought occurred; what would Sirius Black be doing?

The twelve year old Mirielle would awake early out of sheer excitement, dressing for the occasion with a festive jumper and jeans and tying her ebony hair back with a red bow. The day would resume as tradition would have it; breakfast in the morning, normally consisting of blueberry pancakes cooked by Euphemia Potter; followed by watching a Christmas video (alternating each year between 'It's a Wonderful Life' and 'White Christmas', Mirielle's favourite). The young, Potter girl would then help her mother with the final dinner preparations. Dinner, which was always a turkey crown; followed by crackers, a few games and finally.....Presents!

Mirielle could not recall every single one of her presents; she much preferred to watch people open their gifts over opening her own. But she was given a Quidditch shirt for the Holyhead Harpies, that she would wear to the match with Sirius in the new year. James had stocked up his sister with pranking items, although she had hardly touched the last box he had gifted her on her birthday. Mirielle clearly had the same thought, gifting her brother a box of his favourite pranking supplies; a gift she would usually give him every Christmas.

For her mother, Mirielle had bought a new, evening dress; her mother always enjoyed hosting Soirees, especially in her youth. And both Mirielle and James had saved together to purchase an enchanted wristwatch for their father, that could send messaged faster than any owl.

Paper was strewn about the living room as Mirielle helped her mother tidy everything away into a black bin bag, James playing with his new toys and drafting pranking ideas in his notebook. And their father sat by the fireplace with the Daily Prophet from the day previous. "Oh! You, two," He pointed at his children, his eyes narrowed slightly, "There's one more gift for you both out in the garden."

The siblings shared a small glance, before racing one another towards the backdoor. James, being the speedier of the two, reached the door first as they burst into the garden, searching for their gift. It wasn't long, however, before their eyes laid on something hovering above the grass.

"Merlin, Dad!" James shrieked, their father following the two as they ran over to their gift; a Nimbus 1000, each for their taking. A huge upgrade from their previous Comet 250's, the Nimbus 1000 was the best broom on the market and highly sought out by professional Quidditch Players.

"I thought you might need if next year, assuming you'll both be trying out for Gryffindor." Their mother appeared at the sound of their father's words, fanning herself with an oven glove as a smile appeared through her lips. "Not that he's expecting you too." She added, hoping to relieve her children of some pressure. They were already mounting their new brooms, however, readying themselves for take-off.

"Are you kidding!?" James exclaimed.

"This is amazing! Thank you mum and dad!" Mirielle grinned like a cheshire cat, the two of them shooting off into the air quicker than their broom they previously owned could ever take them. "WOAH!" Mirielle shrieked, the parents leaving their children to play for a few hours before calling them inside for dinner.

Very much windswept, Euphemia greeted her daughter at the door with a hair brush and a cleaning charm to rid her of the dirt that had found its way onto her jumper. James was seemingly unscathed, and would never let a hairbrush near his mess of hair; insisting it was a look. Nevertheless, they sat down and dug into their hearty dinner.

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