Chapter 3: Why So Blue? Part 1

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Like on Red Dwarf could get so boring sometimes, being on an empty ship in space with barely any life to talk proved to be rather dull. Rimmer understood that now more than ever now that Lister, Cat and Kryten had all decided to leave him alone on the ship to go gallivanting elsewhere. So to ease his trouble mind and distract himself from the situation he decided to take a look at the dream recorder,

Rimmer got himself out of his chair, where he had originally been practicing Esperanto, and made his way out of the room. The halls were silent and empty, without Cat screeching down the hall, or Kryten cleaning dust from the corners, or even Lister running around like some kind of child, everything seemed to verge on boring, and as much as he would never say it to anyone, he did sometimes enjoyed them being there. After a while, he found himself at the dream recorder, he browsed through the collection, snickering to himself about how absurd each of them were. One dream involved Kryten and a new, clean model of a vacuum cleaner engaging in some kind of marriage ceremony, and another involved Cat in an open collar shirt surrounded by young, flashy girls covering him in honey, and Rimmer learned never to look at Cats dreams again. He began looking into Listers dreams and saw what you would expect for Lister, women, Jim Bexley, Kochanski was there a LOT. But there was one name he had not expected to see.

He stopped and stared at the file, he felt compelled to watch it. How could he not when in tiny text 'Rimmer/Lister-B-002' was written in text, He sat there for a few seconds making excuses in his mind for why his name would be important enough to be the headline of a slobs subconscious thought, until finally he took a deep breath as if he preparing himself for something life changing, and clicked.


Rimmer paced the room, the image flashing through his head like one of those really old silent films they showed at drive through movies. Lister dreaming this too had to mean something, right? He sat down, his eyes intense and focused on figuring out what exactly he had just watched. 'So what you and you're best friend both had a dream about snogging each other, it means smeg all' he placed a finger on his lower lip and couldn't help but wonder. Lister's dream was different to his. Rimmer dreaming about that could be passed off as a brief infatuation or his mind playing tricks simply out of spite, but when Lister dreamt about it, it was more affectionate, more personal. Lister had dreamt that they were together again after months separation. And what was Rimmer's dream about? Lister getting sexual and kissing his neck just because.

Rimmer looked at the monitor with the dream paused one the exact moment where the two kissed and he placed his head in his hands.

"Rimmer, you in here man?"

Rimmer's eyes grew large and panic began to rise deep within him, he stared back up at the monitor. 'Shit' he mouthed and scrambled to turn the monitor off but stopped when he heard a clatter behind him. He slowly turned his head to see Lister standing there with an open mouth and wide eyes, his hand not resting from the beer can that dropped from it. They stared at each other both un aware of what to say or what any of this meant until Lister began to speak "Rimmer man, I can explain...that" Rimmer looked at him solemnly and with an unfamiliar hint in his eyes that Lister couldn't read and walked out the door. Before he left he gave Lister one last look and placed his hand one his shoulder "I'm just gonna study for now Listy" and walked back down the hall.

Lister watched him as he walked away, he never wanted Rimmer to see that, though he didn't exactly understand why...

The thought of it made his heart ache

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