Nia x Superfriends

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no ones POV: Nia was standing next to Kelly as they were talking about Lex he's manged to make a new device witch could kill anyone in one blow so Kara is telling everyone how they have to be really really careful they all agree, Lex has Nia's sister he gave them 20 hours to give him what he wants or she dies

they left with the device he wanted it was a copy it doesn't work.

Kara: alright lex we got what you want now let her go

Lex: give me it first

*Nia walks over giving the box to Lex as he takes the device letting Maeve go*

Lex: what the hell is this

*Lex uses his other device killing Maeve like that*

Lex: i'm not a fool

*Nia runs to her sister whiping her tears*

Maeve: i i'm sorry i was such a bad sister

Nia: i i it's not important

*Maeve smiled at Nia*

Maeve: don't cry i i i love you

*Nia kept crying The super friends didn't know what to do Kara sat beside her pulling Nia into a tightly hug Nia cried into kara

a few days passed today was Maeve's funeral Nia sat on the side on her bed she's officially lost everyone her dad already passed a while back she had no one she heard a knock it was

Alex she smiled sitting beside her

Alex: hey how you holding up

*Nia looks at Alex*

Nia: needless to say i'm not....i've officially lost everyone

*Alex pulls Nia into a hug as they left after the funeral they went to the tower Nia stood on the balcony*

Lena: it's my brothers fault i feel awful s she had to watch her sister die i-

Kara:lena it's not ur fault

*Lena sighed*

Alex: how long till she feels okay again

J'onn: grief doesn't have a end date and to watch someone die in front of you that's 10x worse

*Everyone nods*

Kara: we've all got to be there for her like she is for us

Kelly: agreed

Alex: think she needs your speech kara

*Kara smiled and laughed going to the balcony puttting her hand on Nia's back she whiped a tear quickly*

Kara: hey it's alright you can cry

*Nia looks at Kara*

Kara: your going to get through this you may never 100% but one day one day it will be ok

Nia: how kara i've lost everyone i don't have anyone anymore

Kara: that's not true you got me,Alex,Lena,J'onn,Kelly,And Brainy we've always been your family as well, sometimes it sucks i get it the world sucks but you can't let this destroy you

Nia: i just watched my sister Die

Kara: i know and this is something you'll never be able to  un see im sorry Nia

*Nia burst into tears kara held her tight a few hours passed Nia was angry she went to a grassy bit*

Nia: Alright Lex show yourself

Lex; haha what can i do for tou

Nia: why you do it huh Why did you kill my sister THE ONLY FAMILY I HAD LEFT

Lex: ugh don't cry jezz

*Nia used her powers to capture lex*


Lex: l l let g go

*Nia grabbed the handcuffs putting them on him she took a deep breath and pushes him to the Tower*

J'onn: much be Nia

*Everyone tuned and seees Nia with Lex*

Alex: how'd you

Nia; take him before i kill him with my bare hands

*Alex takes lex into a cell*

Lex: she tried to kill me

*Kara put her hand on Nia's shoulder*

Kara: but you didn't what stoped you

Nia: i remember the night you flew down to stop me killing a guy,

*Kara nods remembering that night be wait to jail still there*

Nia: you told me that i'd be stooping to there level i'd be like them if i were to kill and that sometimes the best thing to do it turn them in

*Kara smiles hugging Nia*

J'onn: good work kid

*Nia smiled as Lena walked over*

Lena: i'm sorry my brothers a dick

Nia: it's alright at least it isn't you

*Lena laughs and smiles*

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