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What.. Is.. This...?

This.. Thing.. Won't leave me alone.


I don't know why.


It keeps barking? And licking me?

Eyuh. It won't leave..


"What? What do you want from me?" I don't think this thing can dodge a gun but.. Who knows.. If it gets to that, then I won't hesitate.

"Hunny, he probably wants food. You should feed him." Ivor says, leaning down to pat it's head. Hmm, it seems to enjoy head pats.. Weird.

"He? WHat is this thing??" I have a right to be confused okay? This thing shows up at my door, and Ivor instantly starts treating it like a child. This is so weird.

"Charles, this thing. Is a dog. And he's hungry." After he says that he just leaves. How dare he leave me with this. Dog? And some food? I guess. Though, it doesn't look like it tastes very good.

"Um. Here?" I don't know how much I should have given him, but he's eatting it so.. I guess that's good? He's getting it in the fluffy stuff all over him. It's pure white, with black patches, and he's got green eyes. It's really cute, I guess. 

Do I touch it? Or let it be? He finished eatting pretty quickly, but now what? He keeps licking me, so maybe I pat him lke Ivor did? Sure..

Bork. I guess that means he liked it? Hmm, I shall keep patting him then..





Huh. Maybe he's asleep? I'll go check.

"HAHAHa.." That came from the kitchen, I guess he's not asleep then. 

As I walk around the corner I see Charles, playing with the dog. I thought he didn't trust him. Well, at least they're getting along now. 

Charles finally stops laughing, and looks up finally noticing me standing there. "Ohh, hey?"


Done! Hope you enjoyed the first story thingy I've made.

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