Discord Messages #2

2 0 0

see my point? you can't. I use dull ones     - Friend 1

i am a strait man    - Friend 4

As long as they wear a dress I dont care what gender they are.   - Friend 7

I just thought of something. So, if 3 people want to 69, it would be a triangle. Which means that the area would be 69. Because 69 x 2 is 138. So you take the Second number which is 3 (That means 3 people), and since it's the second number you divide 138 by 2. Which will get you back to 69. So, technically a threesome '69ing' is still '69ing'.       - Me

Yea let me show up to a date with a sword and try to knight whoever im dating.    - Friend 7

You know when you see the clock and it goessssss EWEWEWEWAnd your like"When clock be furry?" Idfk     - Me

If furries can fly, they arnt furries. They are birds   - Me

(1 = Me  |   2 = Friend 7)

1 - Say something funny. Go

2 - do i look like a clown to you?

1 - yes, now go

2 - go where?

1 - funny

2 - It's not meant to be its just a question

1 - yeah but be funny

2 - I'm only good at entertaining myself, not others.

1 - oh

2 - I'm sorry, I'm a failure

1 - You are yes.

(1 = Friend 7   |   2 = Friend 1

2 - Help me

1 - Cyanide helps

2 - is she hot?

1 - Yea she'll burn right through you

2 - kinky

I'm in an abusive relationship with the toilet. It beats me   - Friend 7

and bring only the gays, you must. i tried, and failed. you must continue the legacy    - Friend 1


New funnies, yey. I hope you enjoyed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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