My Cool Discord Messages

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"Two bros, chilling in a hot tub.

Right fucking next to eachother.

Because they're so gay."   -Me

"Not to much smut because,sometimes I wanna read a story.Not a horny." -Friend 1

"Roses are red 

Thorns are prickly 

 May I just say 

That escalated quickly"  -Me

"Enemy's to lovers is only good if its gay, if i wanted to see a man and a woman scream at each other i would go to my parents"   -Friend 1

"Yeast." -Me

"ah, yes the three sexuality's, gae, pan, and cheese" -Friend 1

"Godzilla had a stroke tryna read this chat and fucking DIED"  -Friend 3

"Close thine mouth in the name of the christian minecraft server owner dear father of mine" -Friend 3

"Well, the first thing I want to talk about is air, like isn't cool, when you breath in air, then blow it back out and you live?!?! Like ain't that cool?" -Me

"Hey guys, like 2 seconds ago, I choked on my freezie juice- And, it hurts to talk rn- 

HeLp-" -Me

"I just said "I don't know what 20 is in numbers." Help-" -Me

"Gay to the point I see (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" -Me

"I sexually identify as corn" -Me

"Im normal, I dont simp for anyone" -Friend 4

"YOU ON DRUGS SIS?" -Friend 1

"There's a new My Little Pony movie coming and out on Netflix and I'm excited LMAO" -Friend 3

"Is it possible for a mosquito to be a vegan?" -Friend 2

"Me — 


Friend 1 — 


Me — 


Friend 1 —

* takes your sight *

Me — 

aw fuck

Friend 1 — 

now you cant"

"if cows decided to wage war on penguins, who would win?" -Friend 2




A whole load of nothing.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt