Chapter 21

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Stardreamer had been walking for weeks. Well it was probably closer to one week, but it sound cooler to say weeks. She walked during the day most days. She tried walking at night once, but the moons didn't give off enough light. And it was spooky, but she didn't want to admit that to herself.

It was late one day. The sun was high and Stardreamer's legs were weak. To her right where green fields, and to her left, thick jungle. Something was on the horizon, but it was too far away to tell what it was. Sleep sounded like an amazing plan to her. She trotted a small bit farther and found a row of tall trees and shade. A small patch of bushes hid farther back. Stardreamer slowly circled around the bushes for berries. These bushes had prickly stems and red berries that looked like strawberries. She picked a talon full and picked out the best ones. They're so good! 

The tart berry bushes filled the area. The juice stained her scales and her talons hurt from the prickly stems. Stardreamer lied down and groaned. Her stomach hurt from having too many of her new favorite berries. She got ready for a nap. Her chosen spot was a shaded patch of soft dirt. The long day of walking had hurt her legs and made her head hurt again. She was hoping a nice nap would calm down her headache.

She closed her eyes. Almost every time before sleeping she would make a story. 

One day she found herself in a cave. The cave was dimly light by touches and fire. In the shadows of the cave was a dragon. No one knew who they were. But they hurt dragons, and dragons hurt them. She had been sitting by the fire of the cold cave. It had no outside light just a small stream and endless, maze like caves. She tried her hardest not to look around. It was dark and spooky. Behind her, the slightest sound of talons caught her attention. Her heart started racing. She turned her head the very slowly. A shape of a dragon started running at her. She bolted away as fast as her talons could take her. The dragon had jumped. They jumped aiming to land on Star, but missed and headed straight toward the fire. Before she new it, the dragon quietly burned. But now how did she get out? Out of the river another dragon appeared. Both dragons had no apparent Tribe, just solid colors. This dragon told her in an odd voice to let her have one thing. Anything. There where so many options! How could she chose one? The  she yelled. "Give me my memory back!" And so they did. She remembered. Stardreamer imagined what her memory would be like. Her family.  Her friends. Everything.

That was her favorite story. She had worked on it for days, every time before bed. Usually she fell asleep before she could finish it, but today she could. It was better then memories. They were like memories that you could chose what happened. Memories of anything.

Star woke up. She was deep in the forest. She remembered why she was here, because she didn't want to be there. She looked at the place she just came from. It was dark and she couldn't see any farther. What happened over there? 

"Don't you remember?" A deep voice asked. She couldn't reply.

"I didn't think so." He hissed.

I want to remember! Please! She thought. It felt like her mouth was clamped shut.

"No you don't." His voice sounded deeper and closer. The forest was quiet and dark. The forest was quiet and dark and only a shadow of a dragon was present. She was so desperate and frustrated. She wanted to remember.

"No. You. don't."

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