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Maddie's POV

"They call me! Pepsiiii!" I sang along to Baepsae by BTS, listening to it through my earplugs inside the taxi, and the taxi driver passed me a weird stare through the rearview mirror. I quieted down, faking a cough and straightening up in the backseat.

I looked out of my window, and realized that my destination had almost arrived. The lush green was hiding a large mansion, and since only the tips of the manor were visible, I looked at my phone's screen to match the picture with reality.

The car turned, and the manor was clearly visible now. The dark and eerie vibe was emitting at large from the resort, and the huge metal gates to it parted upon my arrival. I saw no guard opening them, and I mumbled out, "Dude, is this place haunted?"

Come on, Maddie, let's get in!

I paid the taxi driver his fare, and he spoke in a low voice to me, "Take care of yourself, ma'am, you might not like it in there."

"Why so?" I questioned. He leaned in, and I leaned in too.

Hopefully, he wasn't going to kiss me... right?

"The people who live inside aren't good at all."

"Wait, people live there?" I blinked in confusion.

He blinked at me as well.

I blinked back too.

He blinked again, perplexed.

I blinked as a response.

He blink-

"Are we done with the blinking contest already?" I asked him, and he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"The blinking contest-"

"No, by the other question."

"Oh, that? Isn't this place a holiday resort?" I asked, and his eyes went wide.

"You're one crazy woman."

And with that, he drove off.

What the fuck, bro.

I watched his car wheel itself out of my sight, and sighing, I looked back at the manor in front of me. It was huge. Fucking huge.

I walked past the gates, and as they closed by themselves again, I let out, "Whoaaa!"

I walked forward to the gate of the resort, not failing to observe the water fountain in the middle of the way, and flower beds placed by the sides of the mansion. I knocked.

No response.

And suddenly, yet again, the door opened by itself.

"Dude, do some kind of ghosts live in here? Cool stuff!" I giggled to myself, wheeling in my luggage with me.

I might be scared of ghosts, but if I was going to get a taste of the y/n (or OC) life in real life, I was all up for it. Maybe I could find some love interests in this resort? Like get a lot of guys after me and end up marrying one? Or maybe living with a hot bad boy in the resort and having a summer hookup?

Ooh la la.

I entered the resort, and as soon as I did, my eyes popped out of their sockets.

Not literally though, you gore lovers.

The resort was dark, and had a dense aura, while the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were shining dim in the black surroundings. The eerie vibe and interior decoration was worth Instagramming.

And as my eyes ran around hungrily in the interior, I saw a man laying on a waiting sofa, perhaps, having a nap. Since there was no hotel staff around (weirdly), I walked up to him.

And as I did, my breath hitched in my throat.

That dude was handsome. Not just handsome, he was handsome, add three wink emojis to that.

"Oh my my my," I spoke, my gaze roaming up and down his body. I was legit leering at him; the pervert that I am.

His red hair were in luxurious disarray, and his sleeping form looking innocent, as if he hadn't ever been touched by anyone in his entire life (what am I here for, then? *WiNk WoNk*). His shirt was open wide until his stomach, only the last two buttons were tied. His red tie was wrapped carelessly around his neck, and his pale skin glowing like a girl who just had sex the previous night.

I'm good at comparisons, aren't I?

Hehe, I know.

"Are you gonna stare at me all day?" a sensual voice sounded, and I looked up at his face to see that his eyes were now open, and looking directly into mine. And the eyes!

Oh, damn. 

Blood Scenario || diabolik loversNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ