Chapter 2: The Shameless Flirt

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Maddie's POV

"Shuu, do you know anything about her arrival?" Reiji asked the orange-haired guy, who was a true mood, and he breathed out, "Maybe."

"Okay, don't give us this maybe crap! Do you know or do you not?" The emo snapped.

"Subaru, calm down," Reiji told the emo guy.

Subaru? Wasn't that the name of a car?

"Yeah, calm your butt down, car," I furrowed my eyebrows at him, and he ignored me, keeping his face scrunched up.

"That man... he said she's coming here sometime soon... didn't know she'd be arriving today," the orange-haired mood – Shuu, as Reiji had said – spoke, and Laito went, "Ahhh, okay!"

"So, what's it about, guys?" I asked.

"It appears that that man sent us another one after Yui," Reiji thoughtfully spoke, "Let me introduce the rest of the two. That's Shuu Sakamaki, and that's Subaru Sakamaki."

"Nice to meet ya! This is Maddie Wilson, and I hope we get along well!" I beamed at them, and Laito chuckled sensually.

"Look at her, guys, so adorable!" he mockingly said, but I took it as a compliment.

"Thanks, neon light," I winked at him, and his mouth flew open.


"Left ya speechless, eh? I'm gonna have a fun time here," I said my thoughts out aloud.

"Why does it have to be her? Couldn't he have chosen a better bride?" Ayato spoke, and I froze.

Wait, bride? The fuck?

"Bride?" I repeated, and he clicked his tongue, "Yeah."

"I am the bride?"

"Does anyone else look like a bride to you?"

"You got a point there, dude, but I was told this was a holiday resort. Heck, my travel agent told me that this was a popular resort!" I argued.

To that, Shuu smirked, "He also told me that he had to buy a human agent to manipulate her."

"I don't understand..." I was perplexed, "I'm confusion, guys, what you sayin'?"

"It's 'I'm confused', not 'I'm confusion'," Subaru corrected me in a rude manner.

"It was intended."

"Fuck you."

"Please do."


"How thirsty can you be?" Laito tried again, "I'll quench all your thirst in one go."

"Ooh, saucy," I wiggled my eyebrows, "Are you hinting something, you dirty old man?"

"I am," he smirked.

"Then can we-"

"Kindly keep these talks to your private rooms," Reiji intervened, and then turned to me and continued, "There is no confusion, Maddie, you are going to live with us."

"And he also instructed not to kill her," Shuu drawled from the corner.

"Um, I know I'm annoying but I swear to God, no one would like it if I got killed," I nervously laughed, "Also, I need to call my sister to inform her about my arrival. Gimme a minute."

Right at that moment, Ayato appeared behind me and snatched my phone.

"Hey, give it back!" I protested, and he lifted his hand up with my phone so I couldn't reach it, and considering that I wasn't as tall as him, I couldn't reach it.

"Take it if you want," he sadistically grinned.

And just as I was about to tickle him into giving me my phone back, Subaru seized the phone from his hand.

"Yay! Thank you! Give it to m-" I was about to finish my sentence when he, with fucking bare hands, crushed my phone into pieces.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I screamed at the highest, most ear-piercing pitch I could muster up, and it was so loud that the men in the room had to cover their ears with their hands – even Shuu.

We heard footsteps coming towards the room, and the large door was pushed open by a blonde, petite girl, with pink eyes and a frightened expression.

"What are you doing here?" Ayato hissed, "Go back!"

"But-but-" she stammered.

"Just go!"

"SISTAAAAA!" I cried, running towards her and engulfing her into a big bear hug, "I was just getting sick of men all around me. I finally found a girl!"

"Uhm...?" she sounded lost.

I broke the hug and introduced myself, "I'm Maddie! And you are?"

"Y-Yui," she spoke, her eyes gazing at the males every now and then.

"Yui, they broke my phone! How am I ever gonna keep up with those updates about my favorite bands and BTS' next comeback?! It's so near, I'm gonna miss it for sure!" I cried, wiping off a tear.

"You're with malicious people all around you and this is what made you cry?" Subaru hissed.

"You're not scary, baby boy."

"Wh-what did you just call me?" he averted his eyes, flustered, and that made Ayato go, "Oh shit, she made him blush! Ooooh!~"

Laito and Ayato hooted, and Subaru grabbed a flower vase and threw it on the ground, shattering it. The room went silent, and I spoke up, "Uh, quick question, how the FUCK DID YOU BREAK A PHONE WITH YOUR BARE HANDS?"

"Wanna know how?" Kanato appeared by my side in a flash, and I screamed.


"About time you guessed it," Reiji sighed, "I thought you would never be able to get to know, with all that excuse of a brain you have."

"Rude," I gasped dramatically, placing a hand on my chest, and then even more dramatically acted, "Wh-who are y-you?"

I swear I saw their eyes glisten.

"Um, Maddie?" Yui tapped my shoulder.


"Don't make them angry?"


"They're..." she drew in a breath, "Vampires."

I laughed.

"I'm serious!" she shrieked, and then moved her hair back from her neck to show me something that made my eyes grow wide.

Two freshly punctured holes on her porcelain skin, with the area around it a shade of purple.

"What kind of a hickey is that?!"

"Ayato sucked my blood this morning! I told him not to, but he did anyway..." she depressingly spoke.

I turned around to face the brothers (or so I assumed, since they had the same last names) and with my eyes wide, I yelled out,


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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