Chapter 1: Neon Light And Emo Guy

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Maddie's POV

"Are you gonna stare at me all day?" he asked, a sensual layer to his voice.

"I, uhm," I fumbled with my words at seeing such a beauty, "Damn, you hot."

"I know, right?" he smirked, and I gulped.

All of a sudden, his hand shot up to grab mine, and within a second, he pulled me to the couch, hovering over me. He licked his lips, staring down at me like a predator eyeing his prey, and guess what?

It turned me on.

"Let me devour you now," he whispered, lowering his head to my neck, and I shrieked, "Yes daddy."

He stopped halfway.

"Wh-what did you call me?" he muttered.

"Devour me, my oh my, or do you have daddy issues?" I sang, and he got off me, yelling, "Ew, stay away!"

"Don't you want me now?" I pouted, "I'm really good at-"

"Don't finish that sentence!" he warned.

"What's all this commotion, Ayato?" I heard another voice, sounding rather stern, referring to the guy, who was previously about to "devour" me.

"This woman is crazy!" the guy, apparently called 'Ayato', complained, and the stern guy, who was wearing glasses with his hair neatly slicked back, stared at me.

"And who might you be, miss?" he asked, a certain authority to his tone. It made me want to bow down to this guy and be his knight and physically protect him from all things bad.

Except for the fact that physical exercising was definitely a no-no for me.

"I'm Maddie, nice to meet ya!" I chirped, "And I'm guessing you're the manager of this resort?"


"See, she's cray cray!" Ayato tried to prove his point.

"...What?" the manager asked me, and I spoke, "Don't make me repeat my words, dude."

"Let's not talk here, miss, come with me. Your luggage will be taken care of," he solemnly spoke, and I saw my luggage being taken away by a man who had appeared out of nowhere.

This is spooky. Heck yeah, I love it!

I followed the man, and turned around to see Ayato trailing behind. I winked at him, and he glared at me.

Oh, boy, the hate already?

I have been known to be annoying, but this guy sure had issues with me. Of course, I couldn't let my inner pervert hide upon seeing that face and that body.

The stern man led us to another hall, and it was as expensively decorated as the rest of the resort that I had seen. There was Victorian-era designed furniture, giving the place a rather royal aura. The several curtains were closed shut, letting only the light from the heavy chandeliers fall in the room.

I was probably gawking at the interior, because that's when Ayato snapped, "Stop drooling over my house."

"Wait, your house?" I questioned, and he looked at the stern man.

"Let's ease the confusion by introducing ourselves," he spoke, "I'm Reiji Sakamaki, and he's Ayato Sakamaki. You're at the Sakamaki Manor."

"So both of you run this resort?" I stupidly asked.

Reiji's eye twitched when he answered me, "This isn't a holiday resort, Maddie."

"...It's not?" I began, "But-"

"What do we have here?" Another seductive voice spoke from somewhere around, and I turned around to follow where the sound had come from, only to see another goddamn handsome man, leaning on the doorjamb of an elevated platform right next to the couches.

He wore a hat over his ginger hair, the hair messily escaping the sides, giving him the look of the Mad Hatter. But no doubts, he was handsome as heck.

"Ayo!" I waved at him, "Who you be?"

As I tuned my head to look at the other two, the Mad Hatter somehow, like somehow, in just a nanosecond, was sat next to me. His tongue aimed for my face – I didn't know why he wanted to lick me, like I'm not his ice cream – and I backed off just in time.

"What're you doing?!" I screeched, and Reiji sighed.

"That's Laito Sakamaki."

"Laito? Like light-oh? Oof!" I laughed, "What kind of light are you, Laito? Neon light, or sun light?"

He gave me a dirty look.

"Who is she?" Laito asked Reiji, probably annoyed, and Ayato scoffed,

"She's a madwoman."

"My name's Maddie, so yeah, madwoman is what I've been called all my life, since the two sound the same," I explained.

"What's going on here?" A puerile voice sounded, and suddenly, there was a purple-haired kid sitting beside me, holding a worn-out teddy bear with an... eye-patch?

His purple eyes innocently looked up at me, locking with my grey ones, and I cooed, "Aww! Cutie baby! What's your name?"

"I'M NOT A KID!" The kid shouted out, and I dragged my face away from him and his temper issues.

"Okay, okay, how old are you?"

"One hundred and fifty six years old."

I laughed, "And I'm three hundred and twenty nine years old! See, we're all vampires!"

The kid raised a brow at me, and then, like Laito, turned around to Reiji and asked, "Does she know?"

"No. I think she's just joking with all that stuff."

"What am I missing out on?" I asked, and Reiji introduced the kid to me, "Kanato Sakamaki."

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL SO LOUD FOR?" A loud voice came from behind me, and I turned around to see white-haired emo guy.

"Don't tell me; are you still going through your emo phase?" I incredulously asked, and Ayato snickered.

The emo guy was visibly angered, and he punched the wall to create a big dent on it, the putty falling off like dust.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there, boy," I grimaced.

"Who's she and why is she here?" the emo asked Reiji, and I was hoping that Reiji wouldn't pull out his hair at being asked the same question thrice.

"Why can't you all get to know that yourselves?! Do I need to wear a cardboard sign around my neck that says her name?" he snapped, and everyone quieted down.

And then came a chuckle.

I moved my gaze towards the man laying on another sofa, chuckling lightly at Reiji's outburst. His hair were a shade of orange, and there were music buds plugged in his ears.

"Wearing earbuds while watching a drama? Dude, you're a true mood! Oh, shit, that rhymed!" I clapped my hands.

Everyone in the room – all six men – glared at me, and I gulped.

Did I piss them off? Definitely. 

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