- Finding Out You Got Eliminated In The Marble Games - [ANGST]

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How Would they react to you being eliminated in the marble games? This chapter only contains the player characters! The salesman, the frontman & Hwang Jun-ho won't be in this one! Sorry!

- Kang Sae-byeok -

She'd be so sad, she not only lost Ji-yeong but now the love of her life, she would try to win for you tho, but she would be so down sad, she'd feel so weak and mad, mad that she couldn't help, she would try to find your partner that won and yell at them.

- Ali Abdul -

He'd start blaming himself, thinking it's his fault, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from crying, he felt like he can't continue this without you, he just couldn't do this without you, there was no way.

- Cho Sang-woo -

He would be so mad and upset, he'd find your partner and beat the living crap out of them, screaming at them while tears would fall from his eyes, he would feel completely empty, like his soul just left him completely.

- Seong Gi-hun -

He'd be so depressed, he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, he felt like nothing was worth it anymore, he'd always think about you, and everytime he'd see your partner, he'd be reminded of you and would just cry, he felt like just giving up and taking his own life to be with you.

- Jang Deok-su -

He'd kill your partner, as soon as he didn't see you walking threw the door, he'd be finding your partner and beat the living hell out of them, holding in tears while beating them to death, he was so mad, he couldn't keep his anger in anymore, he'd be punching the wall, throwing stuff at the wall, causing chaos all the time.


- Ji-yeong -

She'd be just so empty, her feelings gone, she couldn't continue anything without you by her side, she needed you, but she tried winning for you.
This made me tear up, i hate the marble games so bad -Apiki

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