Disclaimer And My Stupid Rant

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This is a fictional book. Any name, character, place, or incident are either the writer's imagination or used for a frictional effect. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings through this book. It's purely frictional and not meant to offend anyone. Any mention of names, companies, places, etc is purely coincidental.


This book may contain some steamy romance scenes (maybe). Any reader who easily gets triggered at such mentions is suggested to skip the part. I would give trigger warnings before such chapters, you can skip them if you want.


Having said that, I thank you for choosing my story, I hope I live up to your expectations about this book. I bet you won't regret reading it! 😊

And now, just skip past my stupid rant.

So, I've been working on several stories in the past few months. Sometimes I feel like uploading them but then I am not at all consistent in writing and I hardly get time to write, due to which I fear I won't be able to give regular updates. And trust me the last thing I want is an incomplete story.

Most of the time instead of writing I am either scrolling through Instagram or Twitter. For example yesterday when I had time, for some reason I went to YouTube and binge watched all of Carry's old videos for the nth time.

This meme clearly is the story of my life ಥ‿ಥ:

Plus the constant writers' block serve as a cherry on top of my miseries

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Plus the constant writers' block serve as a cherry on top of my miseries. So I came up with an idea!
A one-shot compilation! No need for regular updates and I can experiment with my writing as well as work on the book I am planning to upload soon. So here it is!

✨Tada ta ta tada✨

Bella Amor
~A Compilation Of Short Stories~

I Will be uploading the first chapter in a while.

Okieee!! Until then byeee.


Sachi 💚

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