1 - Y/N - eternal torture

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hi, welcome to Why-Enn and the Ell-Enns.

why am i the token guy?

because pain is funny or something, i don't know.

i'm not even interesting, barely got anything to me.

involuntary Bullshit Logic, no magical abilities, no bitches, nothing.

honestly, i think Emm-Enn would be a better candidate than me.

maybe Efe-Enn, but then again she's a Mary Sue and no one likes those, not even her.

alright, uhhhhhhhh is this the origin story thing?

or leading up to it?

i don't know.

okay let's begin.


twas some tuesday in march, don't remember the year or number. i used to live with my mother Anne, other mother Keira, and older brother Leo. back when i was a


okay so i don't remember what my name used to be

oh well.

what, did you think my name was actually Why-Enn?

that's f*cking stupid.

also yes, bad words!!!!!!!!!!! being reduced/censored from now own.

anyway going off topic sorry

so, as i said, it was a tuesday sometime in march many years ago, and there i was, coming back from school.

then, all of a sudden, a sheet of paper was blown my direction by the wind.

of course, i picked it up and read it.

it read, 'Congratulations! You will regret this.'

i mean, it wasn't lying, i do regret it.

very much so.

as the regular idiot normie i was, i put it in the bin and went back home to my parents and brother.

timeskip to right after dinner because nothing interesting happened as far as i'm concerned.

so right after having dinner, i felt really really sick.

i tried googling symptoms but all i got were periods cramps and one redditch post about the pain of being kicked in the balls, one of which i knew couldn't apply to me because [REDACTED].

i tried the bathroom, still nothing.

so i went back into my room and just lay down, scrolling through twatter.

fifty or so minutes passed after that, and i felt my vision going absolute batsh*t, warping around everywhere like lsd dream emulator snapped my brain in half.

i couldn't walk or talk, and felt like sh*t.

so i just lay there, basically paralysed, on my bed as my head went through doom hell and back.

looking back on it i should've paid attention to the time because when i could function again it was dark and the stars were out.

i kinda just lay there, doing nothing, trying to process, because when i got back to reality it was so sudden, like i was so deep into whatever drugs I had accidentally inhaled but then said 'no' and just came back.

after that, i felt myself going to sleep even though i wasn't tired because my sleep schedule is whack

and then when i woke up, i was in what i like to dub, 'select your hellscaperonpa'.

i then proceeded to get an involuntary tutorial and entire book shoved into my memory thanks to disembodied voice god i oh so hate.

then, i got into my first rodeo, and that's where my legacy of pain started.


alright, that's it, happy now?

do i miss them?

no, no not really.

to be honest, they were kinda boring so i never bothered with them.

but hey, they tried

guess i just never really cared for any of them

not even my school friends

oh well, sucks to suck i guess

anyway next up is Emm-Enn

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