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Imagine learning why Crowley has no soul.

Your pov

You sat on the couch, thinking deeply about more than several things. One of which was about your dearest friend, Crowley, the king of hell.

"Crowley?" You said as he entered the room. He sat on the couch next to you.

"Yeah?" He said, looking at you.

"Do you have a soul?" There was a short pause.

"Nope," he said.

"Why not?" You asked, curiously.

"Because I sold it."

"What for?" You asked. Another short pause.

"I sold my soul for..." he stopped and stared dead into your eyes. "For three extra inches."

"Of dick?!" You exclaimed, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, well," he said. "Priorities."

"YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL FOR A COUPLE MORE INCHES OF DICK!!!!!" You shouted, standing up and laughing.

"Shut up..." He mumbled. You walked out of the room, tears in your eyes from laughing so damn hard.

What the Hell, Crowley?


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