Part 1: The morning after

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Do you think they are a threat ?
Not necessarily, no.
It's not every day that something like this happens.
We'll have to wait until they wake up.

All I could hear were muffled voices. Quiet but loud enough for me to gain a sense of reality again. I was conscious, but not awake. My eyes couldn't be opened, no matter how hard I tried. Trying to remember anything turned out to be impossible. My head was filled with endless nothingness. Strangely enough I didn't feel scared. Not happy, nor sad. It was just...nothing.

I trust you Romanoff. Agent Barton and you should be able to handle this. Your intuition never disappoints. At least until now.
It won't disappoint this time either.

My eyes flashed open. In a matter of seconds the endless blackness disappeared and turned into a not so welcoming picture in front of me. Slowly I started to perceive my surroundings. At first I thought that I simply laid in a hospital bed. At least the way too bright ceiling lighting and a typical infusion stand next to me made it seem like it. In front of me I noticed a big mirror. Or was it a mirror ? I couldn't see through it, nor did it seem transparent. All I saw was my own reflection. I felt like I was looking at a stranger. My stomach turned and a big lump started forming inside of my throat. I couldn't recognize myself. In attempt not to panic, I tried to ground myself by analyzing the rest of the room. Which turned out to be almost impossible, since it was pretty much empty. Besides my bed I surprisingly found a glass with liquid. It was probably just water, but I didn't dare to touch or certainly drink it.

Before I could think too much about it, two people entered the room. One woman in a black suit, her hair was dark red, approached me rather reserved. Her eyes started scanning me up and down the second she stepped over the doorstep. Followed by a man who seemed to be older than her, something attached to his back. Both made their way towards my bed. My first instinct was to run away. Just then I realized that I was tied to the sides of the bed, making the last ounce of comfort i had left disappear. The panic inside of me grew bigger and bigger but it didn't feel right to show any sign of fear. The woman sat next to my bed while the man just stood behind her, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Don't be scared. We won't harm you in any way.", she said with a certain calmness in her voice, that made me forget about my situation for a while.
"My name is Agent Romanoff, this is Agent Barton.", she signed to the man behind her, who just nodded in response.
"What's your name?", she then continued to ask.

I didn't know. Instead of answering I just sat there in silence, not moving a single muscle. As much as I tried to search for any information in my head, there wasn't anything I could have told her. After what felt like 10 minutes of silence, I finally found the courage to answer her question.

"I don't know.", was all I said. My voice cracked by just the few words I could get out, leaving me embarrassed.
"Do you know how you got here?", Romanoff asked with just the same calmness in her voice as she did before.
I shook my head. Suddenly I felt afraid to speak.
I couldn't read her at all. Did she believe that I don't know my own name ? Or did I already mess up ? What if I am in danger ?
"What is the last thing you remember?", Barton suddenly asked. I had almost forgotten, that he was even in the room.

All I knew is that I knew nothing. My mind was empty, leaving me with no chance to escape the situation I was in. I had no choice but to be a 100% present in the current moment. Suddenly I started hearing drops of liquid coming from the infusion besides me. Falling in a steady tempo, being pumped right into my veins. The panic inside of me started to rise again. I needed to get out of there.

"I don't remember anything. There isn't a single memory I could tell you of. Not a single thing I could talk about. Just nothing."

Romanoff tilted her head a little, looking at me with what I would have interpreted as worry, if I wasn't as scared of her as I was. She then continued to look at Barton, who just seemed dissatisfied with my answers.

Agent Romanoff turned her attention back to me and started talking : "Today is Friday, 13th March of 2015. On the night from Thursday to Friday we were called to Utah. An unidentified flying object crashed into the atmosphere and fell from the sky, leaving a giant crater."

Confused as to why she was telling me all that, I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows at the sudden overload of random information she was listing. I think she got the hint that I had no idea what the importance of all that stuff was. Still, I was even more confused when she suddenly got up and left the room. Barton just stood there, still as unbothered as he was before, looking at the door she just left through. After an awkward silence between me and the strange man, Romanoff returned with what seemed like a tablet.

"You should see the footage of yesterday night.", was the only thing she said before playing a video of the incident.

The video showed the flying object burning, falling from the sky with an enormous speed. The impact of this thing landing on earth was gigantic. The crater must have been at least 2 miles, destroying basically everything around it. Luckily it seemed to have landed at some kind of desert. I flinched at the loud sound it made when colliding with the ground. After a cut there were multiple cars and people in suits gathered around the place. It almost looked like a giant crime scene. Or some kind of alien landing. Something that wasn't supposed to be seen by the general public. Which made me question, why would she show me this footage ?

After another cut the video went closer to the object in the middle of the crater. At first it was unrecognizable, making me more nervous as time passed by. It seemed like forever until the camera got close enough for me to make out what laid there. The video ended and the woman next to me turned off the tablet. I couldn't react. My mind went even more blank than it was before. Suddenly multiple thoughts started racing through my head, triggering my anxiety further and further. It got to the point where I couldn't control my emotions or body any longer.

Before I knew it, I stood next to the bed looking at the two people in front of me in disbelief. Realizing what I had just done, I checked the restrains on the sides of the bed, which just a minute before tied my hands to it. They seemed to have dissolved into black dust, leaving me now even more confused and frustrated.

"That was me, wasn't it?" was all I could get out before noticing Barton and Romanoff pointing weapons in my direction. Agent Romanoff stuck her fist directly towards me.

"I'm sorry." was the last thing she said before shooting something out of her wrist, leaving me paralyzed and falling to the hard floor beneath my feet. And suddenly, everything went dark again.

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