Part 5: Unwanted Guest

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The week came to an end and it was finally Saturday. Not gonna lie, I was pretty excited for the party. Natasha and I went shopping to get me a cute outfit and I couldn't wait to wear it. Although I'm not used to having so many people around, I thought this could actually be fun. Also, I couldn't wait to meet Thor again.

The other day he came by to visit me. I was pretty surprised to say the least. But he actually asked me to just hang out with him. He's a really nice guy, a bit confused most of the time, but really nice. He told me about Asgard and his brother Loki. Emphasizing that he was adopted of course, since he tried to take over earth the other day or whatever. He also introduced me to Asgard's alcohol culture. After one glass of, whatever he gave to me, Natasha had to carry me to bed though. I didn't see him since.

So obviously, I was really excited to hang out with him again! On the other hand I got nervous to be surrounded by mostly strangers, since I found out that I suck at small talk and really dislike introducing myself over and over again. I was just hoping to not get asked any specific questions about me or my life, or else I would have probably had a mental breakdown.

As people started entering the building I was still hiding in my room, mentally preparing myself for what was about to come. Just then I heard a knock on my door.

„Who's there?", I asked not opening the door.
„It's just me.", the voice behind the door replied.
I opened the door to find Natasha looking as stunning as ever.
„Wow Nat, you look amazing!"
„Thanks love, so do you. That outfit looks really good on you. We definitely made the right choice. Although you look beautiful in just anything.", she stated, making me blush a little.
„Thank you.", I said smiling from ear to ear.
„You wanna come out? There are some people who would like to meet you."
I couldn't say no to her, so I just agreed and threw myself out there.

The tower was already filled with a lot of people, all talking, laughing and drinking. I followed Nat to meet three women who smiled while we approached them.
„This is Maria Hill, she's the actual boss of Shield.", Natasha said winking at the woman.
„Nice to meet you (y/n).", she said shaking my hand.
„Nice to meet you too."
„And this," Nat said gesturing to the woman next to her "is Dr. Helen Cho. One of the smartest people I know."
Dr. Cho smiled at me saying "Not the smartest? That's quite an insult Miss Romanoff."
Nat just smiled and gestured to the other woman.
"And this, is Pepper Potts. Tony's much better half."
"Hello (y/n), it's great to have you here.", Pepper said. To my surprise, she even hugged me and patted my back.

I spent the night mostly sitting at the bar, staying close to Natasha. Now and then some people would walk up to me and introduce themselves. Although I forgot most of their names afterwards, I found it quite nice that so many people seemed to care about me knowing them. Also I met Sam and Rhodey, two really nice men who seemed to be really close to the team. Sam said I could also just call him "The Falcon" but I think I'll just stick to Sam.

At one point Thor and I sat at the bar, drinking together. This time I knew my limits, and Thor actually brought his own alcohol for himself, since he was "used to better stuff". Natasha still refused to give me any more to drink at one point, since she wanted to make sure that I was not overstepping my boundaries.
"Come on Nat, one more drink won't do any harm.", I practically begged.
"Yes Natasha, one more drink for them.", Thor said trying to support me.
"I think you've had enough (y/n). Besides, you don't want to miss out on the rest of the night, do you?"

After a few hours people started to leave, which left just the team and some other people close to them. We just sat ourselves on the couch and started talking, which was really awesome. I sat next to Natasha, leaning my head on her shoulder since I got pretty tired.

"But it's a trick.", Clint said talking about Thor's hammer.
"Oh no. It's much more than that.", Thor replied confidently.
This led to a giant trial of everyone trying to lift the famous Mjolnir, Thor's hammer. Tony and Rhodey got their armored hands, but even with their help it didn't work. No matter how hard everyone tried, no one was able to move it, at all. Besides Steve, who actually budged it a little, but then gave up after a few tries. Thor seemed a bit nervous about it but laughed in relief when Steve stopped trying.

"What about you Widow?", Bruce asked Natasha.
"Oh, no no. That's not a question I need answered", she said taking a sip from her drink.
"And you (y/n) ? Wanna try ?", Thor asked.
"Eh, sure. But don't expect me to try more than one time.", I replied while walking towards Mjolnir.

I wasn't confident about it at all, but since everyone failed, I didn't feel too nervous. So I just grabbed the handle, and tried to lift it. Well, I didn't just try.

The room fell silent. Thor's mouth just stayed open in shock, while everyone looked at me.

"That's..", Tony started "...surprising."
"It has to be a trick, come on now. What's the secret behind it?", Sam asked eagerly.
"Uhm... do I.. rule Asgard now?", was the only thing I said, which made everyone giggle a little.

Thor got up and walked over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"At the moment I shall rule, but apparently, you are worthy (y/n). I am... not surprised at all.", he stated, taking his hammer again.

Out of nowhere we heard a loud screeching noise, which made everyone cover their ears. A heavily damaged iron suit walked into the room, leaving me breathless from fear.
"Worthy... No, how could any of you be worthy, you're all killers."
"Stark.", was the only thing Steve said.
Was this Tony's doing? Maybe it's just a prank.
Tony called out for Jarvis, receiving no reply.
"I'm sorry. I was asleep. Or... was I a dream?", the iron suit continued saying.
Tony tried to fix whatever was happening, with no success.
"There was a terrible noise.. and I was tangled in.. in.. strings. I had to kill the other guy... He was a good guy."

Not knowing what was happening, I froze. The machine in front of us not only looked frightening, it also said frightening things.
Steve wanted to know if the machine actually killed someone, to which it only replied : "Wouldn't have been my first call. But down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices."
Thor asked who had sent the suit, when the machine suddenly played a recording of Tony.
"Ultron!", Bruce basically shouted out.
"In the flesh. yet. Not this.. chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a misson.", the suit said in return.
"What mission?", Natasha then asked.

I forgot that she was standing next to me. Just then I realized that she put her arm in front of me, taking me behind her protectively.

"Peace in our time."
That was the last thing the suit said before the walls started exploding and multiple suits barged into the room. One flew exactly towards Nat and I. Instinctively, I ran in front of Nat and shielded her. When the bot was right in front of me I put out my hand and crushed his head between my fingers, making the whole suit turn into nothing but thin dust. Natasha looked at me in shock before pulling me behind the bar to protect us.

I heard Rhodey getting knocked through a window and the rest of the team fighting the bots.
Tony kept saying that he got this, but other than that I didn't know what was going on.
"Come on Nat, I can help! Let me go there!"
"No (y/n)! You won't!", she replied holding onto my wrist.

Steve seemed to have destroyed the last bot when Ultron said : "That was dramatic ! I'm sorry. I know you mean well. You just didn't think I through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve? With these? These puppets?"
I peaked above the bar to see Ultron crush a bot's head.
"There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction."

Thor then threw his hammer to destroy Ultron.
"I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me, no strings on me.", were the last words the machine spoke until it turned off.

What the hell just happened?

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