Part 3: Settling in

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After finally remembering my name I felt a lot less anxious. It gave me some kind of hope to remember more details about my life, what happened to me and most importantly: who I am.

Natasha and I talked a lot after that, which made me feel a lot safer. She explained what the „Avengers" are, so i eventually found out who Tony Stark is. Them taking me in wasn't his decision though, it was the order from some guy named Nick Fury who apparently leads Shield and created the Avengers Initiative. Natasha put in a good word for me, explaining that she didn't view me as a threat. Fury seems to trust her a lot.

"You definitely have some special abilities. You shouldn't be afraid of them. Instead we should find out what exactly you are able to do.", Natasha said while handing me a glass of water.
"I have no idea how to activate them though. It was more of an accident when I did it.", I tried to explain to her.
She just nodded and took a seat next to me.
"Together we will find a way. In a safe space you should be able to try some things out. We actually have a training room for that kind of stuff."

After all, I was still a little suspicious. Natasha had no reason to be as nice to me as she was. And from being tied to a bed, somewhere underneath the earth in a secret base, to sitting in a living room in their own home was a big change of things.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you just put me on a couch in your own home after I literally turned things to dust with nothing but my hands?"
She looked down, smiled a little and then turned to look at me again.
"I just had a feeling, you know? Besides.. Jarvis watched you this entire time and if anything would have happened, we could have just barricaded the room."

That was new information. I had no idea who Jarvis was. Just then a voice started speaking from somewhere, which fairly almost scared me to death.

"That is correct. As soon as you woke up I notified Miss Romanoff."
I looked around trying to find the speaker, but no one seemed to be around.
"Jarvis is not human (y/n). Actually it's an artificial intelligence, programmed by Tony. So Jarvis is everywhere and nowhere, but he definitely has things under control.", Natasha finally said, resolving my confusion.

"What do you think, wanna meet the rest of the team?", she asked after I finished my water.
Honestly, I was hoping that she wouldn't ask that question. Somehow I was scared to meet the big Avengers, just now after I got comfortable with Natasha. Just because she treats me nicely, doesn't mean the rest of them will. Nevertheless I tried to not be a baby about it and agreed on meeting them.

We walked over to the elevators and went downstairs.
"They are currently planning our next mission.", she told me.
"What mission?"
"Oh no big thing. Just stealing a scepter that has been stolen.", she replied casually.

Walking towards what seemed like a meeting room, I started getting sweaty hands. At least I could now introduce myself by name, I thought. Shouldn't be too hard to remember their names. After all, my head had enough space for a few names.

Natasha went in first and I tried to follow behind her for as long as I could. Eventually I had to step out of her shadow and confront the entire team. In the front there was a man who looked rather smug I'd say. It didn't take me too long to figure out that this had to be the famous Tony Stark. Then in the front seat I saw the man who had to be Steve Rogers. He seemed to be really focused on the planning of the mission, since he didn't even notice our appearance. In front of him sat a man who scribbled something in a notebook, he wore glasses and didn't pay attention to us either. A really large man stood in the corner of the room, wearing some kind of ancient clothing. At first I was intimated by his appearance, but he was the first one to walk up to me and shake my hand.

"Hello, I'm Thor. You probably heard of me before. God of Thunder, Crown Prince of Asgard. Strongest Avenger.", he shook my hand for what felt like forever until he stopped and smiled at me.
"And your name is?"
"Oh, i'm (y/n) nice to meet you."

Of course I didn't know who he was, but I didn't want to scar his ego, so I just went along. Instead of Tony, who just spoke my thoughts.

"They don't know who you are Thundergod, they don't have any memory at all. Whatsoever, my name is Tony Stark, you should know who I am, since you're walking on my property at this very moment."
He gave me a not so genuine smile and clapped his hands together.
"This meeting is officially closed, if you have any questions, don't bother asking. I won't explain myself twice."
He then walked past me and left the room.

Natasha just put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a slight smile. Steve was the next person to walk up to me and introduce himself.
"I'm Steve Rogers. Nice to meet you (y/n), i'm glad you remember your name by now. I wouldn't have known how to call you instead.", he said while shaking my hand.
"Yeah, so am I. Nice to meet you."
He gave me the exact smile I would have expected from someone who is called "Captain America". It looked like he walked straight out of a toothpaste advertisement.
"This is Banner. Bruce Banner.", Steve pointed at the man who was still busy writing in his notebook. Bruce then looked up and waved at me.
"Hi. I'm Bruce. Sorry, I'm pretty busy here."
"It's fine. I'm (y/n). Nice to meet all of you."

After introducing myself I noticed that Clint was missing, but I didn't want to ask any insensitive questions, so I just kept my question to myself. Just then Natasha suddenly said "Clint is busy at the moment, he will be here later. But since you already met him, I think you're settled now."

It always seemed like Natasha could read my mind, knew how i felt and knew what to do to make me feel a little less out of place. I wondered if she was always like that.

"So (y/n), do you want to go to the training room with us? I heard you have some things to figure out. Natasha and I will be there this entire time, you don't need to worry about anything.", Steve said in a very gentle tone, which almost persuaded me to do it. But after everything, I didn't feel ready to do any of that. Not now.

"That's very kind, but I think I'll pass today. I slept for.."
"15 hours.", Natasha said.
"Yes, 15 hours and I still feel really exhausted. I don't think I should test my luck just now.", I managed to say, feeling really proud of my confidence to decline.

"No problem, we'll just do it another time.", Steve replied smiling and leaving the room afterwards.
Thor followed but not without telling me that it is actually "God of Thunder and not Thundergod".
Natasha then led me out of the room and took me to another floor.
"We don't have a spare room for you just yet. I'll make sure to prepare one you can sleep in from now on. But for now, you can sleep in my bed. I have a couch in my room I can sleep on. I guess for a start, you're stuck with us now." , she said while walking towards what seemed to be her room.
"Thank you Natasha. I really appreciate your kindness. After all, you really have no reason to be as nice to me as you are. But, I wouldn't have a problem with sleeping on the couch either, you know."
Natasha just smiled at me and shook her head.
"For the next 15 hours you should really sleep more comfortably. Besides, you don't have to thank me. I'm always happy to help."

After dropping me of, she left to go to the training room, leaving me alone. It felt weird to not have her by my side anymore. Now it was just my thoughts and I, muddled inside of my head. I wondered if Jarvis was also watching me right now, but I figured that Natasha wouldn't be okay with such lack of privacy. I just dumped myself onto her bed and took in the familiar smell that made the last hours more bearable. I don't remember how long I starred at the ceiling before I finally fell asleep, but I do remember that the thought of Natasha was the only thing giving me comfort before drifting of.

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