Quotes of a time with questionable motives

14 1 0

"If you think about it: swimming is just like World War II"

"That means some bitch stole my salami."

"This isn't how to train your dragon. This is real life"


A: can't be guilty of a crime if there is no crime to be guilty to
M: fine. I was the one who killed Princess Diana.


M: put fire in your ear to melt it
S: melt the water yea


"Bring me the tower, the Eiffel one"

"But if you wouldn't fuck Scarlet Johansen you're not human. She is perfect."

"I would kill myself if I was born in Ancient Rome imagine fucking PURPLE being gatekeept from you"

"The only thing that was fucking me was anxiety"

"I can't write Guillaume every time... who the fuck is irons?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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