Chapter 16

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Having full access to google in your pocket was very useful. Unusual, but very useful. It can help you look up things like how to remove hair dye from ceramic tiles and I let my boss eat me out, what next?

The dye quickly dried out every strand of my hair, becoming crunchy and a texture I needed off my head sooner than later. I knew the second one would be a middle of the night panic question I'd look up. For now, we were trying bleach, with nail polish remover on deck for when this didn't work. Ezzie was scrubbing on his hands and knees, the spots around the knee rips of his jeans stained red. He didn't seem to care the least bit, as he went through the 8th paper towel.

The panic was setting in, in more ways than one. It was like I was paralyzed with indecision, such much that I needed to do, needed to think about, but all I could do was stand, nude, in front of Ezzie with my arms trying their hardest to maintain my privacy by covering my breasts. My hair touched and stained my shoulders as I leaned over, trying to see how his scrubbing was going.

"I really hate to say it, Vii, but you should see your ass." A soft whisper, followed by a snicker as my wild man continued his ruthless scrub on the floor, yet another paper towel stained in a light pink.

"Oh shit, I didnt even think of that. Stay ducked for a minute!" I shouted as I pulled the sheet off the mirror, looking at myself in the reflective glass. My ass had a red hand mark where he held it, the rest smeared in red dye. I also had hand prints on my breast, shoulder, and pelvis, all very easily aligned with his large, thin hands. I could hear Ezzie snickering yet again still as he stayed way out of view of the mirrors.

"This isn't funny- is that a hickey?! How am I going to explain this to Al? Or the others- wait are you guys like, connected, like normal vampires?" I began getting incredibly embarrassed thinking about all of my bosses knowing what just happened. Leaning over the sink, I put the protective barrier of fabric back up.

"Vampire? I haven't heard that word in a while," Ezzie laughed again, sitting back on his knees, "But for the other question, Not this far. But they'd know anyway. I'm not good at hiding things. Or boasting about beautiful women I've tasted" Ezzie finally stood up, his mismatched color eyes wild and full of devious energy. He placed his stained hands on my hips, pulling me to fit nearly perfectly against his own, kissing me firmly against my lips.

Of course I melted into him, my anger dissolving as the warm heat filled my center. His teeth nipped at my lips for entrance, enough to snap me out of this highschool crush stoopid I kept getting into with all of them. I punched him right on the peck, not holding back- Vampires really wouldn't get bruised from a human punch, right? Ezzie faked the pain my twisting his face in mock-agony, holding his chest like I just stabbed him.

"Hey, you're stronger than you look!" Ezzie walked over to the water, turning the fancy knobs to a nice and warm setting. " Plus, I really don't think Al's going to make a big fuss about it. I mean the big guy doesn't talk." Ezzie joked, as he tried to keep his lower body away from getting wet. Never the most graceful of men, his jeans still got saturated with water. With one look back at me, he shrugged and unbuttoned the first of three on his ripped jeans.

"Wow, you're so funny. But what do you think you're doing?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest, popping out my hip as I tried to hide the shaking desires slowly burning inside of me at the mere thought of us showering together.

"Well, if I'm going to help you wash your hair out, jeans don't do that well in the shower." He pulled down his pants, getting one leg out then struggling with the other. It clung to his strong, defined calves, needing to be rolled around the protruding muscle. That left my wild man standing in the door of the walk in shower in nothing but his little black boxers, covered with little hearts on them.

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