Chapter 31

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Excitement and impatience coursed through my veins like a speeding bullet. Nothing could stop me from literally vibrating as thoughts of having Tai back flooded my every waking thought.

No more tiptoeing, no more worrying about what would happen next- we would just live it and finally get over it! I was ecstatic for that simple thought itself. Enough so, that the long, tedious process of helping a beast wake up after dying completely escaped my mind.

It only happened once since I been dead, to not me of course. When you're dead, you don't really know what's going on, or how to process your strong emotions. Time seems endless and fast all at the same time, as you're fighting for control and your beast is tormenting you like you're just a little child again-

Okay, maybe that was more me then the others.

Charlotte made her way to the Dallarosa's location to collect Tai as soon as I told her the news. After, as expected, some deep breathing exercise and surprisingly high-pitch squeals. All she had to do was stall a bit of time for him to calm down enough for transportation. Apparently, since it was a double death, the Dallarosa's were going to "graciously" help transport him.

Even though I wanted so badly to be able to help them and be there for them, I knew better than even trying. The last time there was a fresh kill in front of me(not through a window), I froze, my beast banging at the confines of my consciousness for even a taste of that sweet, sweet blood. Being surrounded from head to toe in gore wouldn't be good for my teetering mental state.

So, that left me at home, preparing the basement for his arrival. We had started the day after they died, but each and every chain felt heavier and heavier as the days passed before they rose. It became too hard for me to continue, and Charlotte was now running a business single-handedly, her own assistance coming from Al who really stepped up.

The hour was very early in the morning, giving me the chance to leave the door open freely. It was a lot easier to cloth down from the laundry room without wasting my time fumbling for the key. The door always auto locked when it closed, from both the inside and the outside.

A dry chuckle escaped my lips, filling the dull, almost sound proof room around me as I remembered the last time the room was used. Vii's sweet, undeniable scent was too much for my will while I was hungry. Chains, locks, and Charlotte's concerned, thoughtful eyes flashed through my mind as she kept me back from killing her there and then.

But then the pin she got me at the club the next time I saw her filled my mind. I had that pin on my favorite vest, one that I would only wear to the club or special events, careful to not get a drop of blood spilled on it. She really was a special woman. Having seen someone she just met want to tear our her throat, instead of screaming and running away, she apologized for setting me off.

I loved that woman so fucking much.

With a nice little cage set up in the corner, I stood to observe everything around me. Plenty of water, in both bowl and bottled form, all of the sex items pushed against the other wall, just in case he got out, the food kept safely outside, buried in the back yard.

My ears rung as I heard cautious footsteps down the stairs. My entire body tensed, preparing to be jumped on and torn to shreds by Tai, or Charlotte giving me bad news; instead, I was welcomed with the most tempting scent, the soft edges of her consciousness tickling my powers, causing the hair on my arms to stand on end.

Vii made the last step, her foot step dampened by her little black slippers. She was in a long, button-up shirt that very much belong to Valentine. From my viewpoint, there was nothing else under that. That hair we had so much dyeing sat up in a messy bun, the few strands that managed to escape framing her round, flushed face. My eyes raked up her curved legs, all the way up to her surprised expression as she took in the room.

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