< C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - F I V E >

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~Hoseok's POV~

I was met with the sound of machines, people yelling, and a very bright light on my face. The fuck is going on?! I saw Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin standing in the corner of the room. The finally moved the light, using a remote to slowly adjust my bed up. I blinked a few times and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Jungkook hands me a water bottle and I chug it, sighing. "What the fuck happened?" I asked, my voice breaking with every word I spoke. I cleared my throat, wincing a bit. "Where is Ameliah?" I asked, looking at the others. "Is she alive?" I whispered.

"Mr. Jung, great to see you awake. You've worried quite the people, especially that girlfriend of yours." The doctor says, sitting down next to me. "Don't worry, she and the baby are doing just fine... Why don't we catch you up on what happened since the last time you've been awake. What do you remember?"

And so I told them. From the night and up to the second I woke up. Namjoon looked at Jungkook who stared at him back. "Hyung... That's... Not what happened." He mumbles. "Yes it did! Jungkook you were there."

"No, the night did happen, just differently... Ameliah's dad didn't shoot him.." The fuck? "Huh?" "You grabbed one of the pool chairs and swung it at him... You two were fighting.. really badly. He banged your head on the concrete, but you kept going... You bashed his head open..." He whispers the last part. All I could do was stare at him. "I don't give a fuck about what I did to him... Is she okay? Where is she?"

"Hyung, she's fine. Both her and the baby... She's getting big." He smiled weakly. I frowned, "What do you mean, it was just last night!" "Oh, but that's where you're wrong Mr. Jung. You've been out cold, unresponsive, for the last 3 months."

3. Fucking. Months?! "It is currently November 2nd, 2021. The last moment to were awake was July 6th, correct?" I slowly nodded, taking the new information in. "Wait, does this mean Ameliah has been all alone?! Pregnant?!" They slowly nodded and I closed my eyes. "She wasn't completely alone... She had us and the girls... But it wasn't the same." Jungkook mumbled.

"She came and saw you everyday. She would talk to you about her day at work, how the baby was doing... How much she missed you." Jin stated. "From the moment those doors open and until she was the last visitor to leave the building... She never gave up on you... Only reason why she isn't here is because she's at a doctor's appointment." I sighed, my heart hurting, but not physically.

"She should be here within the next hour or so." Namjoon reassured, but it didn't help very much. "Now we do have to run some tests on you, make sure your brain and body is moving how it's supposed to." The doctor says. We ended up spending the next hour running test after test, checking my brain activity, my mobility, my blood, and everything else to could think of. I was in the room with the boys until a soft knock on the door interrupted us.

Ameliah walks in, but pausing as we held contact. My poor baby. She looks so different. She had a medium to large sized baby bump, her hair was shorter like she cut it, her glasses on her face and a little extra weight on her that she carried in the best ways possible.

"Hoseok?" She whispers. She took a step closer and paused again. "Is his eyes open or am I tripping again?" She looks at Namjoon before I smiled. "Hi baby." I spoke, making her flinch. She walks closer, her eyes tearing up. "Please for the love of God tell me you're finally awake..." She whispers, dropping her things on the floor. She cups my cheeks, tears falling down her face.

"Please tell me this is all over now..." She whispers, holding eye contact. I bring my hand up and rest it on her stomach and smile. "I'm here." And she broke down, crying harder than I've ever seen her cry before. She went from relief, to sadness, to anger, to relief again. After a long time of tears being shed, hugging, and silence, she finally spoke. "You don't understand how hard it was without you by my side everyday..." She mumbles, sniffling.

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