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I sat quietly in the passenger seat as Keigo drove towards the school. All of my necessities are packed up, taking up the whole trunk and backseat. I hum along to the music as I scroll aimlessly through my phone.

"I'll drop you off with your class and then take your belongings to your new dorm," Keigo glances over as the car rolls to a stop. I look over to see we are parked in front of one of UA's many training facilities.

"That's okay I can help unpack too," I responded without making any moves to get out of the vehicle.

Keigo sighs while putting the car in park, "I can handle it with the help of my feathers," he glances at the clock on the dashboard, "I have somewhere I need to be in an hour, so you go ahead and meet up with your class. I'll get the boxes in your room in no time."

"Oh okay," I nod, taking off my seatbelt and stepping out of the car. I turn back, grabbing my backpack mumbling a quick bye before shutting the door. I watch for a second as Keigo drives off towards the dorms before making my way into the training facility.

I step into the building looking around taking in my surroundings. All of the students are scattered on different stone pedestals training their quirks. I spotted Aizawa standing ground level in the center examining all the students.

"Hello Mr. Aizawa," I speak as I step up to stand next to the teacher.

He looks down at me from the corner of his eye and they flash with surprise for a mere second. Aizawa turns to me, "Takami, I didn't expect you back so soon. I thought you were only discharged yesterday."

"Yes sir," I bow my head a little in respect before looking back up, "I don't want to fall behind, so I'll go get my costume on."

As I turn to walk away Aizawa speaks up, stopping me. "You are not participating today. You've been through one hell of an incident and you will be observing on the sidelines with me," I go to protest but he shakes his head continuing, "After we are done here I have set up an appointment with the school therapist for you. I expect you to go without objection."

"But Aizawa-"

Katsukis frantic shouting cuts me off as I turn my attention in his direction. He's up on a taller stone block and a piece of rubble fell off plummeting towards the floor. I follow the path of the debris and see that it is headed to knock out All Might, who looks fragile in his weakened state.

Out of reflex I release my wings and fly over towards All Might. I push him out of the way of the incoming rubble. I glance back up towards the falling debris to see Midoriya smashing it to pieces with a harsh kick.

"Young Takami, Young Midoriya. Thank you for being so quick to jump into action," All Might utters smiling towards the both of us.

I smile back but wave off the compliment walking back towards my spot on the sidelines. "Takami, what happened to your wings?" Midorya speaks up, causing me to turn back towards him.

"Oh, they just haven't fully healed yet so-" I stop short remembering how easy it was to use them just a second ago. I peek over my shoulder towards my wings thinking they are just fully healed. Eyes widening I become alarmed, "Huh? What happened to them?!"

Trying my best to turn my head to get a good view of my wings I see they are fully healed, but different than before. After the incident, I never bothered to use them knowing that it would take a few weeks for them to get back to normal. But that's not the surprising part, they are now a goldish color. I warily stick my hand back to touch a feather and gasp at the harsh metal feel that pricks my finger.

"Oh my god! They've turned to metal!" I whine disappointed that they won't be fluffy like before.

Midoriya is fascinated with the new change and walks over, never looking away from my wings. He begins to stick his hand out towards them but stops himself when I step back. He clears his throat scratching the back of his head, "Sorry I guess I should have asked first."

I wave my hands in front of me, "Uh yeah, but I just didn't want them to stab you," I turn so my wings are facing him and mutter out, "It's fine just be careful."

I feel his hand press against my right-wing and he gasps. "They are soft again," He mumbles quietly, still transfixed on my new wings.

"What," I question confused, reaching back again to feel them. My fingers grace the top of my wings but this time they are back to the soft and fluffy feeling. I furrow my brows confused if I was just imagining they felt like metal.

"Could you always change your wings like that?" Midoriya speaks as he inspects my wings closely.

I open my mouth to speak to him but Midoriya is swiftly shoved to the side. Katsuki stands in his place now scowling at the green-haired boy.

"Give her some space, Deku," Katsuki grits out through clenched teeth annoyed like always with Midoriya.

"Katsuki calm down. He was just curious," I sigh, shaking my head and waving Midoriya off as I push Katsuki in another direction. Once I've managed to shove the blonde away from Midoriya I smack the back of his head. "You don't have to be such an ass," I huff, glaring at the boy while crossing my arms.

Katsuki rubs the spot that I hit him and mumbles something I can't hear. He looks back at me pointing at my wings, "Why'd they change suddenly?"

I hum to myself not knowing the exact answer until I remember Declan's words in The Nest. 'New powers may manifest or your old ones will be enhanced.' "It's one of the new abilities I assume."

"Is that the only one or do you have more now?"

"I'm not sure. I mean I haven't tried to use my quirk since I've been out of the hospital. That was the first time I even took out my wings."

Katsuki nods his head. "Tomorrow we can train. Even if you have new powers I'll still be able to beat you," Katsuki chuckles, walking back to continue with his training.

I'm startled from my deep thought when Aizawa speaks up beside me. "Takami, don't try using your quirk unless I'm there. With the possibility of new unknown quirks, it could be dangerous."

I turn slowly towards my teacher. "How'd you know I might gain new powers?" I tilt my head at Aizawa, confused since I never mentioned it to him.

"Hawks and I had a meeting. He felt it was important information for me to know in case anything were to happen, seeing as I am your teacher."

"Right," I nod my head internally cursing Keigo. The school has had everyone on lockdown since the Kamino incident. They created the dorms for all students, but Aizawa has me scheduled for therapy and is now hovering over me to monitor my quirk. "Can we do a test run tomorrow?"

"Sure. Be here in your hero costume after class is dismissed. Bring a classmate or two with you so we can get some battle exercises in to analyze any new abilities," Aizawa states before walking off to monitor my classmates who are training for new ultimate moves.

I cheer in my head excited for the new possibilities. 'What if I can do the fire teleport thing like one of the previous holders. Or I can escape death like Declan and I'm partially immortal.' I glance back at my wings deciding to spark up my flames for the first time in a while. I watch as the flame dances for less than a second before it vanishes.

Huffing out annoyed, I look back in front of me to catch Aizawa's harsh red glare staring back. I swallow hard as his voice sends a pulse of fear through me. "What did I just tell you, Takami?"

"Haha, I was only kidding Mr. Aizawa," I dryly chuckle, trying to hide the fact that Aizawa just scared me half to death with just a look and the sound of his voice. I shiver once his gaze is turned away from me. 'Man am I glad he's not a villain.'

A/N: Next update around 11/16.

Sorry it took me a minute to get this out all my professors decided this past week was the perfect time to assign shit ton of homework.

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