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Hey just some quick info
You and Amanda are both wolf human hybrids which means you can turn into a wolf but your natural form is human with wolf ears and a tail



Your POV
I could here them getting closer. I'm dodging through branches and weaving through bushes.

"cant run for long princess!" I hear one of the men yell.

I don't know how much longer i can run. unlike them my legs are much shorter, all because i was born a stupid omega.

i reach the edge of the cliff, "shit dead end" i say to myself looking down at the water.

"thats a far jump princess, i wouldn't try that if i where you." one of them said.

both alphas are coming closer, "and i wouldn't come any closer if i were u, I've been thought self defense!" i bark out.

the two guys look at each other, they start laughing. "do you really think you could take both of us at the same time? i mean i guess we'll find out either way." i roll my eyes at what he said.

they start walking closer /shit i don't know what to do, jump and possibly die or fight and still possibly die/.

i slowly start walking backwards, "welp this was fun but i have to go," i hury up and jump off the cliff.

as im falling i see the two wolves standing at the edge of the cliff. i was prepared to die at that moment, i hade made my choice. i feel the wind push through my fur and i feel as though ive been falling for hours then bam! i feel a sharp pain in my back as i hit the cool water.

??? pov

i was walking across the beach finally getting some peace in quiet or so i thought.

i hear yelling from atop the cliff, when i look up i see a fairly small white wolf it seems they are talking to someone but i cant see who, next thing you know they are falling from the cliff.

/holy shit!/ i say as i change into a wolf.

i im running to where i saw them fall into the water, when i get there i don't really see anything. i was about to give up until i saw a small tuft of white fur. i start swimming towards them and grab whatever i could, when i get back to shore i see that i was pulling them by their tail or her i guess /i wasn't looking on purpose! You perve!/ that's gonna hurt when she wakes up but then again she jumped from a cliff so everything will hurt.

i change back to a human and start pushing on her chest. CPR on a wolf is hard.

your pov

i feel a sharp pain in my chest then my eyes shoot open and i cough up at least a bottle full of water maybe more. i look over and i see a girl, i notice her brown ears one of them looks cut, my eyes travel down to her face her dazzling brown eyes and her lips, wait there moving /shit is she saying something?!/

"hello!?" she yells catching my attention, "so ur not deaf that's a relief, i don't know that much sign language."

"uh who are u?" i ask, that came out a lot more harshly than i wanted it to.

"so, no thank you for saving your life? how cruel, I'm Amanda." she flashes me a small smile and fixes her wet hair.

"oh sorry its a reflex, uh thank you, im y/n" i say.

i stay in wolf form for the time just in case. i mean im not the strongest of wolves even in wolf form.

"well i should get-"

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