Not again

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Y/n pov
It's been about a week so I'm pretty much healed up, wolves heal fast.

Me and Amanda have become closer and Liz has become like a sister to me. Although she's a lion. (Forgot to specify that there are different species and Liz is a lion, b/c why not)

"Pup can u grab the eggs out of the fridge please and thank you," amanda smiles.

"I told u not to call me that," I groan opening the fridge, "hold on I have to go get more from the coop, but we are not done talking about that stupid pet name,"

Amanda fake frowns, I just roll my eyes at her. The cold was finally starting to come in and it felt amazing.

I got all the eggs that I could hold and started walking back to the cabin. But before I got make it I hear a cocking of a gun, "found u princess," the voice was of one of the same guys from that night.

" just leave me alone," I say trying not to sound weak.

"Yeah right like I'm gonn- THUMP!" I quickly turn to see the man on the ground and Amanda holding a bat.

"Should've just gotten those damn eggs myself," she groans as she grabs the gun and releases the chamber.

"Y/n that was close, idk what I, y/n? What's wrong? Are u hurt? What are u crying?!" Amanda asked

I beat hugged Amanda and started to cry even more, "y/n, hay it's gonna be ok, I'm here to protect you now," she moves me to we're we are looking at each other, " no one is gonna hurt you"

I smile and wipe away my tears.

"How the whack did you keep the eggs untouched during all of that?" Amanda asked looking at were at had put them down.

"I'm not sure, i just put them down."

Amanda laughed and picked up the eggs, "cmon let's got cook, Liz will handle that guy," she says pointing to the now tied up man.

Amanda pov

We had just finished cooking when Liz came in covered in dirt with a shovel, "please tell me that I don't have to do that again," liz said.

I looked at y/n who was spaced out just staring at her food. I had finished drying my hands and threw the towel at liz.

I sat at the table with y/n and she finally snapped out of her day dreaming. "So who are those guys?" I say referring to the mean after her.

She stops chewing and goes to answer but stops, "I don't know," she looked down, "traffickers I guess."

I grab her hand, " we don't have to talk about it, just finish eating ok?" She nods and eats the rest of her food.

———-few moments later————->

We had sat down on the couch and just talked about the most random things.

"Hey guys look at what I found!" Liz yelled from the kitchen, we looked over to see her holding some glasses and some kind of alcohol.

"Nice! Cmon let's have some fun!" I get up and put my fav record on.

We pored some shots and toasted to another day still alive and together. I watched as y/n took the shot, her face unbothered, although Liz on the other hand is coughing her way to the kitchen to get some water.

"Do u drink often?" I ask y/n

She looked at me and smiled, "I used to but not as much anymore."

"Ok who wants another?!" Liz said already tipsy after one shot. Fucking lightweight (not really tho)

After a few shots and by that I mean liz and y/n were just going ham with the shots.

Liz had gone to sleep and y/n came back from the bathroom, she sat on my lap, her legs on either side of mine.

Hehe pov change 3rd

You sat on Amanda's lap holding her face and just looking at her, "y'know your really pretty~" you said giggling.

"And your drunk," Amanda said moving you hands to were she's just hold them.

You lean in and kiss her, "please amanda I need you," you said pleadingly.

"Y/n your drunk you need to drink water and sleep," Amanda said caressing your cheek, "as much as I would love to, maybe when ur sober enough to think straight," Amanda picked u up and brought you to the bedroom.

"Amanda, please~" you moaned into her ear.

Amanda put you down on the bad but you pulled her down with you and started straddling her lap, she pushed you back down to were she was on top. She kissed your forehead.

"Y/n please, if u keep this up I won't be able to control my self," she said whispering in your ear causing you to groan.

"Amanda please I'm sober enough to know I want you, please," you begged.

Amandas lips crashed down on yours. Y'all made out for a bit her hands traveling up your body.

One of her hands tracked up to your ears softly moving her fingers up and down them causing you to moan.

Haha cliff hanger at the worst part enjoy 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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