Lauren Vincent (Cobra Kai)

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Full Name:

Lauren May Vincent


Blonde (by Johnny Lawrence)

A True Fighter (by John Kreese)

Girly (by bullies and Cobra Kai men students)

Champion (by tournaments announcers)

Student (by Daniel LaRusso)

Newbie (by everyone at the high school)

L (by her cousins)

New Girl (by boys at the school)

Date of birth:

November 1, 2006







Relationship Status:


Sexual Orientation:



Madison Vincent (mother, friend)

Lucas Vincent (father, best friend)

Daniel LaRusso (acquaintance)

Amanda LaRusso (close friend)

Samantha (Sam) LaRusso (best friend)

Anthony LaRusso (acquaintance)

Miguel Diaz (friend)

Eli "Hawk" Moskowiz (friend)

Demetri Alexopoulo (friend)

John Kreese (unknown)

Tory Nichols (close friend)

Terry Silver (friend)

Robbie Keene (crush)



Natalie Alyn Lind

Hair Color:


Eye Color:








Background Story:

Lauren was born in Seattle, Washington. Lauren grew up in a family that hated any sports, at the age of 10 she entered her first karate class with the money she managed to save up from dog sitting and mowing her neighbors lawns during the summer. When she first joined karate the sense and the other students the happened to be all boys didn't take her seriously as no girl has ever tried for karate in their hometown.

Lauren entered karate tournaments under her own dojo up until second karate championship that the dojo that turned her away had requested for her to be part of the team. Lauren accepted the offer after winning her tournament against three other dojos. 

As Lauren entered into high school both her parents lost their jobs and left her to defend herself. A month after that happened Lauren left her home town and went to Reseda, Los Angeles to begin her new life. There she met up with her friend Samantha (Sam) LaRusso who visited her during the summer.

Lauren hid her life of karate to Sam. The day that Lauren entered the town of Reseda, her past began to haunt her even more. John Kreese and Terry Silver find out about her and what she did back in Washington as two year champion.

Lauren wasn't sure to get back into that life, until she met the kids from the Cobra Kai dojo, Eagle Fang dojo, and Johnny LaRusso dojo.

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