Star Fong-proudstar (The Gifted)

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Full Name: Star Louise Fong-ProudStar

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Full Name: Star Louise Fong-ProudStar

Allias: Twinister.

Nicknames: Twinister (Conner twin brother.)

Date of Birth: N/A

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Species: Mutant

Martieral Status: single

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Mirage aka. Sarab (aunt, godmother, named after, mutant. Alive.)

Conner (twin brother, best friend, mutant. Alive)

Clarice Fong (mother, mutant. Alive.)

Erg (friend, ally. Alive)

Morlocks (friends, ally. Alive)

John (father, mutant. Alive)

Marcos (uncle, friend, mutant. Alive)

Lauren (friendish, mutant. Alive.)

Andrew (Andy) (friend, mutant. Alive.)

Reed (friend. Alive)

Caitlin (friend. Alive)

Becca (friend, mutant. Alive.)

Lorna (friend, mutant. Alive)

Esme, Phoebe, Sophie (friends, mutant. Alive)

Reeva (friend, mutant. Alive.)


Portrayer: Isabela Moner

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Denistive Features: long curly hair.

Build: Skinny, healthy.

Skin: White

Race: American.

Scars: none.

Piercings: N/A

Clothing Styles: mostly dark clothes, sometimes light.


Traits: trustworthy, friendly, loving, caring, kind.

Powers: Superhuman Condition, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Senses/Tracking Skills, Foresight, twin connection with twin brother Conner, share minds and dreams with Twin brother.

Weaknesses: N/A

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