Chapter 1

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Sersi and Phastos were sitting on the couch at the Salvatore boarding house trying to think of a plan to save earth and live forever with their soulmates. Vampirism had come up a couple of times, but they don't want to condemn their soulmates to an eternity of bloodlust so they'll have to think of something else. Bonnie Bennett had offered to do a locator spell for Ikaris' soulmate, as he is the strongest eternal, but seeing as Ikaris had given up all hope of finding his soulmate after 7000 years, he didn't give her any blood or belongings to perform the spell with, not wanting to be disappointed.

Their options were limited. Soon the celestial will rise and the planet will cease to exist if they do not find Ikaris' mate. But where could she be?

"Ric?" Yelled a voice from the hall. A voice that sounded familiar to Sersi. Apparently this was her mate's baby mommy's sister, Michelle Forbes. Sersi had never met her as her relationship with Alaric was relatively new.

"Auntie M!" two young voices from the kitchen yelled while running past Sersi and Phastos into their aunt's welcoming arms. "Hey munchkins. Ready for our sleepover?" Michelle asked the two small girls. "Yes!" Screamed both Josie and Lizzie. Alaric thought this would be the perfect time to introduce her to his soulmate. "Michelle!" He called from behind her. "Hey Ric. Are the girls ready to go?" She asked him. "There's someone I would like you to meet first" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know we haven't been seeing each other for long but she really means a lot to me" he added. "Then I would love to meet her, Ric" Michelle assured him. "Wait, really?" He asked surprised. "Of course. If she is important to you I have to meet her!" "thanks Elle. That means a lot" he smiled, while gesturing her towards the living room.

"Sersi, I would like you to meet Lizzy and Josie's aunt, Michelle. Michelle, meet Sersi, my girlfriend." "Oh my god" was the only thing that came out of Sersi's mouth. "Uh, hi?" Michelle said / asked. "She is-" Phastos said in shock, making Sersi nod, both staring at Michelle, making her feel a bit awkward. "Ric?" Michelle asked "why is your girlfriend not saying anything?" But then Sersi said "We should call him" making Phastos agree with her "we definitely should". "What's going on?" Michelle questioned again. Getting no response again, Michelle told Ric she would take the kids and bring them back tomorrow, making Alaric nod also weirded out by the actions of his girlfriend and her friend. "I'll see you later?" Michelle said as a goodbye before taking both kids' hands and guiding them towards her car making Sersi and Phastos snap out of their weird state.

"She can't leave!" Phastos quickly told Ric before attempting to rush after her. "Hold up, buttercup. Michelle can go whenever she pleases." Damon Salvatore said, flashing in front of Phastos in a threatening manner. "Get out of my way, vampire." Phastos spit back before Alaric quickly intervened. "Woah, calm down everyone. Want to explain what the hell is going on?" The last part mostly directed to Sersi. "Phastos. We should explain." Sersi caved, unable to say no to her soulmate, making Phastos go back to the couch with Damon following close behind. Damon and Alaric however chose not to sit down as they were confused and angry about the situation.

"I told you Michelle means a lot to me and the only thing you can utter out is 'oh my god'? Not even a hi? And then you want to keep her here after your strange behavior. For what?!" Ric spoke, frustrated and confused at the same time. "You don't understand, Ric. She is Ikaris' soulmate" Sersi said, still in shock that their solution was so close the entire time. "You've got to be kidding me" Ric said, making Damon agree. "What?" Sersi asked. "Michelle is never going to forgive me for this." Ric told her, making Sersi question it even more. "Are you sure she is? I mean how would you even know?" Ric pressed. "We're sure, Ric. As eternals we can identify each other's soulmates. She 100% is his soulmate." Phastos answered. "Well we're fucked" Damon stated.

"Why?" Both eternals asked at the same time. "Michelle prefers to stay out of any supernatural business that has nothing to do with my kids or her sister. Telling her she is the soulmate of a 7000-year old eternal will not be easy. I think she might even reject the idea" "she can't" Phastos protested. "He's her soulmate. As soon as she sees him, they will fall in love." "Well, you definitely don't know my best friend." Damon said. "It doesn't matter. I just texted Ajak and she will inform Ikaris and the rest of the team. They'll be here soon." Sersi said. "You're not even going to give her a choice?" Ric asked her, shocked. "She'll be happy, Ric. As will we. This is how we can be together forever and how earth will remain earth." Sersi defended her decision. "By not giving my best friend a choice. Are you seriously assuming I'm okay with that?" Ric asked, flabbergasted.

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