Chapter 2

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I stumbled through the hallways and kept my eyes down as to draw any attention. I am the only omega in this school and all the alphas bully me. I walk into class and the worst happens. I trip and fall on my tail and eveyone laughs. "What a loser." I heard someone say. The rest of class I blinked back my tears and tried to focus on the classwork. We were being taught how to howl safely. Howling the symbolization of two wolves finding their mates. You're supposed to do it every full moon but I never learned how to. Finally the obnoxious bell rings and it's time for lunch. I pace through the hallways which seems endless, counting the steps until I can finally get awaay from the endlesss torture. Only steps now until I'm at the door. SLAM! My whole body crashed into the wall. The leader of the alphas, Josh Bloodbringer and his band of vain brothers holding me there for some sort of torture that I must endure.  "Nice trip today, omega!" He said as one of his friends punches me in the stomach. "Not today please, just leave me alone," I muttered. "Not a chance, mutt. The bravest and strongest go to this school and then there's you, you're not anything special are ya?" He taunted his orbs burning in delight. I have always hated his orbs they were a deep orange that looked like the same embers which destroyed my family. His jagged teeth and pitch black hair was already threatening enough but it was his stature that scared me the most. He was a towering 8 ft 9 and was 100% muscle which looked even more terrifying compared to my pathetic 4 ft 2. I tried to ignore them until he threw me on the floor. "You should've died with your parents, omega." He said and finally walked off. The rest of the day was just more bullying and harassment until I got back to my pack's mansion.--I say my pack, but really there just some pack who saw me as an orphan and took me in. Ever since they blame me for the reason why anything bad happens. My parents died during a full moon which is really bad luck and they think now I'm the reason why all our bad lucks happens. During full moons they rarely look at my direction let alone speak to me. I'm just some nobody here and I've accepted it as my fate.

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