Chapter 4

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She sulked out of the room and strolled into the hallways once more. Her violet orbs never leaving the ground. I watched one of the Alphas stop with his crew and waited for her to get closer to them. Naturally my chocolate alpha eyes glowed at the thought of them talking to her, I quickly strutted over between them. "Well well whats going on here?" I asked darkly. The other alpha cowered at my voice shrinking to the ground "n-nothing sir" one of his buddies then punched my toe so hard that I was instantly weakened... I-i can't go on I whispered to myself he's too strong. I then passed out.
When I woke up everybody was gone. Including my love, my one last hope of finding a mate. I had to prove to her that I was strong to by her side. The last thing I remember seeing is them going back to her and tormenting her until she cried. "I will never be like the other wolves!" I thought to myself. Then I began to train. I knew I wasn't strong enough unless I worked at becoming stronger. It would take hours to get as strong as Josh was, but it was worth it. For her anything was worth it. She was my mate.

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