Chapter 3

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I swing the front door and let is slam behind me. "Welcome back, said Louise. She was a fairly short women with a curvy figure and a wrinkled face. Her hair and eyes were brown except for the grey roots which seam to multiply eveytime I see her. She usually wears some sort of dress with a pink apron, today being no different. She was in the kitchen chopping some sort of raw meat. "Tonight I'm making baked lemon salmon with a dash of salt. I don't want it to be too spicy for the rest the pack." She anounced to me. "Oh good make sure you don't use too much salt. My inferior tastebuds might get in the way." I mumbled. "Mk honey, the rest of the pack is outside playing games if you would like to join them I'm sure they would find a space for you!" She informed me. " My foster parents have always shown hatred towards me. "NO LOUISE IM GOING TO MY ROOM!!" As I stomped off I heard her call after me "ok honey have fun!" I growled,  no one understands me... i-im just not like other wolves. When I got to my room I slammed my door and started shaking, crying and rolling on the floor. Nobody ever understood me and nobody will. Another one of my long list of known fact that I must face. I finally fell asleep with tearstained eyes and red cheeks.
     Next morning, I woke up, already dreading the day of torment that I would have to take. I swear it gets worse every day. I walked to school and stopped at the gates, questioning if I should just skip today. I though my parents, how their deaths would mean nothing if I dont try hard enough. Then, with a deep breath and stepped inside the school property. I smell something different, or perhaps someone different. I scan the yard for any new faces when I see him. Not tall enough for my tastes but his eyes like exploding stars orbiting in the brown essence of chocolate milk. His hair shaggy and brown and he had milky white skin. He seemed different the other wolves. And I think I might make a new friend.

Daniel Howlington's pov
I watched all the other alphas play the inferior ball games and talk about sports. "What imbeciles." Im not like the other alphas. Even though I'm stronger and faster than them I don't participate in their silly little games. Then I saw her. Brunette hair with natural magenta tips (I could tell they were natural) voilet eyes that seemed to shine like an abundance of glitter. Her figure being so small but still having an hour glass shape. I knew I wanted her. But for now I'll stay in the shadiws and watch from a distance. Waiting for time to introduce myself.  Ring! The bell. I almost forgot about having to go to school. I was homeschooled by my pack for pretty much my whole life and haven't really got to talk to other alphas. My parents put me in school so I could find a mate. Little do they know, I already have. I walked closely behind that girl. I could feel a pair of eyes on my back the whole time but that didn't matter. Her head down and covered by a hood from her black jacket as she walked the long hallways. Black must be her favorite color, I thought. I watched her walk into her first hour classroom. This was my first hour too! I was so excited! I quickly sat in the back so I could watch her without her noticing me. Throughout the hour she had her head folded in her arms and only popped up when someone's spit ball hit her hair. She let out a seductive burp. Oh God, I'm madly in love with her. Finally, the bell rang signifying that the period was over.

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