'unexpected visit' chapter 3

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and awful writing like always. 


I wake up and like every other day I start it the same 

But recently I came across an old man and his dog.  the old man was dying of some sort of disease and was unable to take care of his dog so he was searching for someone  to watch over the pup. there was no way I could save the old man's life and the man knew that. When I came across them he requested I take care of him in return he would give me his supply's for the dog and whatever the man had since the man was going to die either way. might as well give  it to the person who will keep his dog alive right? 

of course I had no choice but to accept his request. I'm not the  best with animals  but I would never live with myself if  I abandoned the mans wish and killed the dog. 
so The old man told me a bit about the dog and gave me what supply's he had left  

it turned out that the old man named the dog D/N (Dog-Name) and it was a D/B (Dog-breed)  poor guy didn't have much supply's left  but I still accepted them and he bid D/n a final goodbye before leaving without his Canine best friend. 

I spent the next few days getting to know D/n and I recently found out that D/n has a taste for Cod and Catfish and was very delighted every time we went fishing since this lake has many natural Catfish and cod for D/n to munch on  
this dog was for sure making my life so much more interesting and better for my mental heath, because if I'm being honest  living alone in a forest was starting to get to me. as much as I ignored it I knew D/n would be a light of my  life for as long as I have him around 

in short i was getting attached to D/n and today  we were  spending the day at the lake catching fish and just having a peaceful time, I made sure to catch extra fish for D/n and at the end of the day We decided to  make the journey back home. luckily no wolf attacked us or anything. but little did i know there would be some 'Visitors' at my house. 


To say our  landing to earth was rough would be an understatement.  

"AMERICA! I DONT THINK WE ARE GONNA LAND THIS CORRECTLY!"  was the last thing   i heard from Canada before we crash landed on earth....
















our crash zone seemed to be in a forest so the trees cushioned  the escape pod from exceeding too much damage. 
I was left unharmed but Canada on the other hand. he  hit his head on the dashboard and  was knocked out cold. blood pouring from his forehead. I  imidently start to panic as I rush to drag Canada out of the escape pod and I rest him by a tree as I run back into the escape pod and search for the med-kit so I could patch up my brothers head wound.
God I hope  he isn't injured to terribly, I wont be able to complete this mission without my brother. 

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