No Ordinary Day

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A/N: this whole story will be in Urania's Point of View (POV) and sometimes in the 3rd person.

Monday June 25th 1987

I wake up to the ringing sound of my alarm clock. like always, I press the snooze button and sleep some more. That's until my mother comes in my room.

"Urania get up! You're going to be late. Your father and I have both got a meeting to attend to this morning," she sits on the
couch in the corner near the window. "So you can drive your new car to university today."

It was my birthday last Saturday (the 23rd) and my parents got me a car and an apartment, though I haven't moved out yet, but soon. My mother is a lawyer and my father owns a trading company. I've always had food on my table, a roof over my head and happily married parents. But my life isn't paradise. Im very thankful though. My parents are the strict kind and want me to experience what it's like to work for your money like they did. I've got everything but love. all my life has consisted of nannies and babysitters. my parents are never home and when they are they hardly pay attention to me. I'm so lonely...

"Urania I know you're awake." she said as I pretended to be asleep.
"Okay, let's do this my way." She walks across the room and opens the blinds so that the bright LA sun can come through.
"Really mother!" I said out of frustration.
"Get up and go get ready I don't want you to be late for Uni again." she walks out.
I've only been late once.

I get off bed and go take a shower. I then brush my teeth and apply moisturiser on my skin to keep it soft.
After getting dressed I head downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Tiffany." I greeted my nanny. Yes, my NANNY. She's been my nanny since the age of 6. She's gorgeous. those perfectly round hips, the curly honey-blonde hair, the caramel skin and slanted green eyes. she's mixed with white, black and Chinese.

"Good morning, baby. D'you sleep good?" She asks stirring the pot of porridge.
"...Yeah." I replied hesitantly.
"That doesn't sound very convincing, sweetie."
"I'm fine Tiffy , really."
She eyes me. "Really?"
With a chuckle, I respond. "Really."

By the time I finished eating break fast it was already 07:30am. I rushed out the huge doors of the mansion I call home. I don't get why we need all this space. Honestly.

I get in my little red car and hit the road. It was a good half hour drive from my house to the university (Yale). Just four more months... four more months until I can call myself a qualified doctor at the age of 18. It's insane. I wonder how I do it sometimes. It's not normal. but then, again I'm not normal.


Mother's gonna be mad again. But I need to stay a while after school. I need to finish cause work, do a lot of research and study ahead for tomorrow's class. I work my but off, I deserve this. I deserve to graduate this young.

I need to call Kylie (my best friend) when I get home. We haven't spoken in a while.

Alright time to pack up. I'm done for today. I put all my books in my bag and exit the library into the cold, dark night. To be honest I'm scared, I always am every time I go home at this time.

As I was about to get into my car, I was interrupted by suspicious figure in what seems to look like a fedora. I noticed it's been there since I came out of the school library. I put the key in the ignition and then-

"What's cracking, good looking?" He hovered over the car while staring intently into my eyes.
"Umm...excuse me sir but I've got to go now." I tried to move my car but it seems the engine isn't working.
"Oops, seems like you need a lift; how about I drive you home?" He still had that intensity in his big brown eyes. and suddenly I had an epiphany. my car's been tampered with. He did it...shit i need to run!

I opened the door at the passenger's seat and attempted to run but he smartly cut in front of me.
"That wasn't a very good move." He said with a calm but dangerous tone.

I swiftly moved my nee to his crotch and left him doubled over as I ran.
"I guess we'll have to do this my way." I heard him mumble before straightening Bach up.
"Wayne!" He screamed.
"Yes, boss?" A huge man appeared from nowhere.
"Get her." He commanded with his arms folded across his chest.

The man was coming for me and he seemed be traveling faster than the speed of light. as I felt his arms tightly around my frame I creamed out-
"NO!" Like my life depended on it. That's when I feel a piece of material on my face. And before I knew it, I was knocked out.


I wake up in a mysterious room. My hands tied to a bed post. my legs were restrained, so I assumed they were tied too. I look around and spot a man in a red button up with jeans and...a fedora. It's the same guy.

As if on queue the guy turned around and I was greeted with a a brown eyed, caramel skin toned, chiseled faced work of art. He may be mean, but he got the looks.

"You're awake." He beams.
"Let me go, please. My parents will give you whatever amount of money you want just please, let me go." I begged for his empathy but instead I got a smirk as a response.

"Your parents can't give me anything I don't already have, baby girl." he looked down at his feet then back to me.
"You know, I'm still in pain from the kick in my baby-makers. That wasn't a smart move." his demeanour changed and his stare became cold and tense.

He removed his fedora and revealed his head full of curls that was held back in a little bobble. he frees his mane and started approaching me.
"I was gonna go easy on you, but because of that stupid move you made earlier, I hope you can walk when I'm done with you."
"What..." I trailed off realising what he was referring to. "No please, I'm a virgin, please don't do this. I'm sorry, please.
"A virgin, even better...and more painful for you."

Before I knew it my blue jeans were being torn away from my body. my white T- shirt was being shredded into pieces.

"Stop please!" I pleaded but saw no emotion in his expression.
Before I knew it I was laying there naked with my hands and legs restrained.

He began to peel off his clothing and joined me on the bed. He got a knife I didn't notice from the the bed-side-table and cut the ropes on my body.

I tried to fight him off of me when my limbs finally got freed. "Get off me!" I screamed at him. all of a sudden I feel a burning sensation on my left cheek.
"Shut the fuck up!" He roared.
I still kept fighting though.

And then- "Argh!" An excruciating pain was felt between my legs. I begged and pleaded and screamed and tried to get free, but he kept on going. with every violent stroke the pain became stronger, with each scream I received a slap and with each slap, a mark was left.

I had no fight left in me. I gave up and let him do whatever he wanted with my body. he hungrily sucked on my sore breasts and impatiently rammed into my woman hood. I had never felt so weak in my life. "Please..." I whispered one last time.I was slowly slipping away. I made eye contact with him for the first time since the torture started. I was dying. And before I knew it, I was gone...some place else, away from my pain, violation and away from the monster I would grow to love.

If I only knew...

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