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Urania's POV
Monday 2nd July

It's been a week exactly. A week since all this began, and I miss my parents. I miss my old life. I miss the person I used to be. It's amazing how fast people can change; but people don't change do they? It's the state of mind that changes. And boy has mine changed.

He's gone to work for the first time since he brought me here. but he locked me in this room, with food of course. 'Stay in here until I come back' he said. And I did. I'm terrified by the man. If you can even call him that. What is a man? What is a man...?

I don't even know his name, yet he pronounces mine like he gave it to me. He ain't a nice fella. Who hurt him so much? I may hate him, but I can see his sorrow in everything he does. Even during those torturous night-time sessions we have every night. I've learned to no retaliate. Just let him do whatever he wanted and the pain will be bearable.

Here I am. Lying in the middle of the bed thinking. That's all I seem to do whenever we aren't together. I have become quite friendly with Wayne thought. He's not a bad guy. he just simply follows orders from his boss.

The door. Oh god he's back.

I hear the lock click and quickly sat up, but it was only Wayne. I sigh a sigh of relief.

"Wayne you scared me."

"Sorry butter cup." He smirked leaning on the door frame.

"You know your boss won't be happy when he finds out these little pet name you created for me." I smiled with raised eyebrows.

"You mean if he finds out." He winked.


"Wayne I don't wanna get you in trouble you really should go." I panicked.

"Relax. he gave me a spare key so that I could check on you every once in a while." He paused. "You know, he's not as uptight as you might think he is. He just struggles with how to...control his emotions."

I gasped. Epiphany. "He's bipolar..."

"What?" Wayne asked shocked.

"He's bipolar." I said more as a statement this time.

"No-one ever figures that out. How did you know?" He asked fascinated.

"I study medicine at Yale university. I had four more months to graduate and become one of the world's youngest doctors." I stated with pride.

"How old are you?" His eyes were seething with curiosity.


"Wow... you're a smart one huh?"

"You could say that." In an instant my smile fell from my face.

"What's wrong?" Wayne asked concerned.

"I won't finish university as I dreamt. I mean I'm stuck here so..." I let my sentence trail off.

"Wayne." We both swiftly turned our heads toward the bedroom door. He's back. That voice of his would give me a heart attack some day. "I said check on her, not have a full on conversation. you may leave now."

As soon as Wayne went back downstairs he banged the bedroom door shut.

"What were you doing talking to him?" Shit he's mad.

"He was just keeping me company. that's all. I'm sorry." I looked down. Then asked: "How was work?"

He seemed surprised because usually I'd avoid talking to him every way possible.

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