Chapter 20 - Henry

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Finally clean, and with her hair still damp from washing, Susie made her way downstairs to join me in the kitchen, icing covered clothes balled up in her hand.

I watched her enter out of the corner of my eye. Trying desperately to pretend my focus was entirely on the dinner I had made a start on. Salmon fillets and roasted vegetables, it was one of my favourites.

"Looks delicious." Susie said, throwing the balled clothes, so they landed in front of the washing machine and leaning against the door frame.

I glanced back over my shoulder and smiled, "Won't be too long until it's ready, did you want to pick a movie and we can have dinner in there and watch it?"

Susie smiled, unable to hide her surprise. I was usually so bothered by mess and only eating at places made for consuming food. Susie had mentioned that at home she usually ate most meals on the sofa so it had felt odd at first. If she could step out of her comfort zone a little, I could too.

What was the worst that could happen? We spill it on the sofa? I shuddered a little at the thought. Still, it would be easy enough to clean off.

"Christmas movie?" Susie asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I knew you were going to say that. Sure, whatever you want."

Susie shot me a grin and hurried to the TV to choose one before I could change my mind. I shook my head as I eased the tray of salmon and vegetables into the oven, before closing it and setting the timer.

"You picked one?" I asked as I wandered in.

She grinned over at me. "Yep. I've gone for Love Actually."

"A romance?" I knew I couldn't have sounded less impressed if I tried.

"Another classic." She insisted.

I sighed and sank into the sofa next to her, my arm thrown casually along the back. I could almost feel the heat of her body next to me as she hit play and leaned back. My arm was so close to being wrapped around her. The flick of her eyes to me told me she noticed it too, but we both studiously ignored it and focused on the movie.

I was just beginning to relax when the timer went off, having us both sitting bolt upright. "I'll get it, you pause the movie." I muttered quickly, rushing out.

I had nearly slipped. Nearly, almost, thrown caution to the wind and got closer to Susie that she had wanted me to. She had set a boundary and I wanted desperately to respect it.

Taking my time to plate up the food, I focused on taking slow, even breaths to calm myself before returning to the living room.

"Look amazing," Susie said as she reached out for the offered plate, "Thank you."

I passed her a knife and fork I had awkwardly carried caught between two fingers, "Enjoy."

Starting the film again, we tucked in, both acutely aware of the other and clearly struggling to think clearly. It took me five attempts to skewer one new potato on my fork because my eyes kept drifting to look at Susie.

I began to wish I had chosen something other than fish for a meal, but in a way maybe it was good? No one wanted to kiss someone with fishy breath, even if they had fishy breath themselves I tried to reason. My brain unhelpfully reminded me that I'd be happy to kiss her no matter what her breath smelled like.

When we had both finished, Susie scooped the plate from my hands and took it out to the kitchen. "Don't worry about pausing it." She said quickly, "I've seen it a hundred times before so I'm sure I'll be able to keep up with the story."

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