Chapter 3

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Bella POV

It has been a month since HE left, and the pain hasn't lessened, trust me it hurts, but I'm thankful for the pain, it reminds me that HE was real, that they all were.

I looked down at my fat ass arms, and legs. I have sliced them multiple times, I don't know why, but when I slice them, I feel calm, that maybe, I'm safe, then it stops bleeding and so does the feeling of being safe.

I grabbed my razor that I stole from Charlie, I've heard if you cut deep enough, on your wrist, you'll bleed to death.

I'm not going to do that... yet, I'll wait until the cutting myself doesn't work anymore.

I took the razor to my skin, and cut deeply, not deep enough to hit the artery in my wrist, but deep enough for it to bleed for at least 5 minutes.

I feel like I'm high, as I feel the blood running down my arm, but the feeling stops when to blood stopped.

I inwardly groaned, WAIT if I kill myself now by slicing my wrist, I'll feel high as I'm dyeing, that way I'll be ready for it, and won't feel the pain.

I went into my drawer and got my huge knife out of it. I always kept in my drawer in case I needed to defend my life, ironically, this it the thing that is going to take my life.

I smiled at the thought of soon being in heaven, or maybe hell, who cares, at least I'll be away from here.

I grabbed the knife, closed my eyes, I love you Edward. I felt the pain from saying his name. I jabbed the knife strait into my wrist, then pulled it out, not even feeling the pain. Then used my injured hand and jabbed it into the other wrist.

I smiled as I felt the high feeling engulf me, better then ever before, and I smiled even more as I felt the darkness, which I know is death, consume me. My last thought was, at last I am free.

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