i hate australia

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hi, my name is Y/N and i HATE australia!

my family and i moved from england to australia when i was six years old to live with my aunty Ally and uncle Alex. at the time, we were struggling financially and so my mum made the brave decision to shift me, my 4 year-old sister, and my granny to the other side of the world, where we'd be supported by my well-off aunty and uncle, and my mum was more likely to find work.

in the present - 10 years on, though, we are very stable in terms of money and we now live separately from Ally and Alex. but even then... i hate it here. let me give you the run-down of what makes living in australia such a pain.

SCHOOL! none of the guys here are cute, they're all so self-obsessed and did i mention that australia is massively racist?!? i get picked on constantly for being black, exceptionally more now than i used to in england because i get more sun exposure in australia which makes my complexion darker. this one boy called cohen won't shut up about my hair looking like a "jungle" or a "kookaburra nest" i hate him so much.

speaking of wildlife, i thought england was bad with bugs but australia is just horrendous. i can barely sleep at night thinking a brown recluse could be under my bed at any time.. and, did i mention? i have severe arachnophobia!!

it's always hot, so when my cat gets fleas it becomes a living hell for the entire family. the beach down the road from my house is bloody gorgeous during summer but it's always packed with beach-body perfect influencer girls my age who make me look and feel so ugly it's not even worth it. better not to get in the way of their instagram photos i suppose.

i can't enjoy the experience of surfing, since i would drown or probably get eaten by a shark if i even tried.. but.. during the summer i do routinely volunteer with wildlife protection and it's helped me rediscover my love for animals. i think marsupials are pretty dank, and wet koalas aren't as terrifying as logan paul suggests, actually.

i like to imagine i'm the main girl in 'free willy 4' (yes i know it's set in south africa, not australia let me dream) and i've swam with dolphins twice now! but, as i've been saying, the negatives clearly outweigh the positives and i just want to lead a normal life back in england, maybe i could just be a normal vet? maybe i'll get a cute british boyfriend!! apparently all boys from the uk look like tom holland.. i must be missing out on so much.

it was your usual hot summer's day, as morning broke and tourists flocked to the beach for all the fun that came with hours of sunshine. i'd just finished printing photos off for homework and went down to the seaside for a quick sunbathe, just to finally relax after all the intense pressure and stress i was feeling as the exam term was nearing.

'there goes the prettiest girl in school' i thought to myself, watching as chaeyoung, my senior who i envied with passion, wandered right past me elegantly with a gigantic high-end fashion-style sunhat draping over her eyes in the deep heat. even the way she travelled over the white sand was perfect, i hated it and i was endlessly jealous because my crush, ezra clearly liked her a lot.

ezra is just so perfect it hurts, he looks like a model for a start, he has perfect skin and perfect hair- but he's also amazingly intelligent and an exam topper and his family is rich... and when i say rich.. i mean LOADEDD. they own a jag, and their house is huge, worth at least $1M.

chaeyoung doesn't talk much but i think she's actually nice.. it just frustrates me because ezra never notices me no matter how i wear my hair or what jewellery i put on. he's impossible!! anyway, i got up and moved from my spot because the influencer girls turned up and started having a photoshoot down the end of the beach in their hot-red baywatch-style bikinis.

i went to the beach hut to cool down in the shade, then went to order a drink but to my surprise.. jake was working there?!? i know jake from school, he's nice but kinda awkward.. i was reluctant but completely and utterly parched so i had no other choice, i had to go talk to him....

"hi," i said, with a shy smile, walking up to the front of the bar. jake's eyes lit up as soon as he recognised me. "oh, Y/N! hi!"
"hey," i began, "could i get a coke please?"
"oh yeah, course" jake replied, so friendly, quickly dashing off to the fridge at the back of the bar.

he came back, "free of charge" he declared, pushing the bottle of coke along the bar top towards me. "no! here," i insisted, waving my dollar in front of him with a smirk on my face. "alright," he rolled his eyes jokingly, taking the dollar and then popping open the cash register to slam a 50¢ on the bar top in front of me.
"half price" he raised an eyebrow.
"fine!" i laughed, taking the 50¢, "thanks"
"don't mention it" he smiled gently, then went behind the bar again, to get something.

i took my coke and left the bar to go sit outside.. i sat at on a pretty driftwood bench just outside and admired the scenery whilst taking the occasional sip of my drink. BADUMP!! SUDDEN PALPITATION! oops- maybe i shouldn't have sat there because guess who was barely 2 metres away from me at a table with his friend?

they also appeared to be doing the same as me except ezra probably had the other motive of catching a glance at chaeyoung in her glamorous white swimsuit. how boring. i sighed in my mind, the worst thing about having a crush on ezra wasn't my feelings for him but the fact i wanted everything he had...
he was the attractive mixed boy stereotype- one parent from hong kong and the other from wales and the perfect mix of idealistic features from each ethnic group. i envied him greatly; he had the grades i wanted and the house i wanted, the cars i wanted, even the lifestyle i wanted and here he was taking it for granted!

he wore the exact same black jacket every day in the colder months, and now he was wearing a white shirt paired with shorts- of which he also had many of in the exact same style but in slightly differing shades of blue. it baffled me how with all that money he had, he never treated himself to some commes de garçon shoes or something. i know i would.

anyway, they seemed to be people-watching, him and his friend who was kinda plain, just your average white guy with acne. i could see, along the stretched expanse of open beach, how the horizon wiggled in the heat; it was proper boiling out.
ezra and his friend chatted away, looking out into the bay. you could tell from the tone of voice he used, ezra was very much self-confident and a little full of himself in a way. i mean, he was intelligent to say the least so it made sense that he'd be that way, but i couldn't help but feel irritated by it.

after a little while, they both got up and went to move. i experienced another palpitation as they both turned in my direction to leave.... NO! i made accidental eye contact with ezra. i needed to play it off, i smiled gently as to suggest it was an accident. "hi Y/N" he said, smiling back at me as he passed the bench - - this... moment... it felt..... almost surreal "hi," i replied, with a small laugh, he'd passed me now, but looked back, to give me another smile as they left. i couldn't believe what just happened. was this fanservice?!? was i dreaming??!?!

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