i'm so awkward around boys

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the afternoon advanced and i began to overheat a bit, so i thought i ought to start making my way back home.
when i got home, and had finally become well-relaxed into my house environment, i picked up my phone and checked my social media.

i scrolled down my instagram home page, checking out new uploads from the people i follow, then a picture of chae with 2 guys popped up.. surprisingly good looking guys. both appeared to be of asian heritage, but one had blonde hair and freckles and the other had light brown hair. the caption was a little.. out of the ordinary?
'Tysm for saving my life guys ❤️'

i looked again and noticed chaeyoung's hair seemed kinda windswept and non instagram-worthy.. if you get what i mean.
i scrolled past it, thinking nothing more of it but i did mentally log the appearance of the 2 guys in the picture with her. they looked interesting.

new day... back in school again.. the walk there was a blur and i didn't know what period i was in but i just tried to focus on processing information into my brain. the lesson ended soon enough, and i swiftly left the classroom, still half-asleep and drained- i did struggle a bit to walk in a straight line down the corridor.
then i suddenly stopped. i couldn't explain why, my gut just told me to, my legs worked before my brain could.

it was ezra and chae, chaeyoung had her back up against a locker and looked really angry with ezra who was standing over her, looking as if he was struggling to explain something and constantly contradicting himself. what ever they were talking about, chaeyoung was undoubtedly unimpressed, she wasn't usually like that either. she normally beamed and flicked her hair out of the way of her face, but now her eyebrows were low and her posture carried a deep sulk, you could really sense her negative energy, it looked like she would've shot lazers out of her eyes at ezra if she had the power to.

ezra finally let chae speak but he kept looking off to the side and rolled his eyes discreetly, just not paying enough attention for chaeyoung to feel she was being listened to. she clearly had had enough; at last, she stormed off and left ezra stood there, both hands in pockets with his flippy raven hair hanging over his eyes like a curtain. only in time could i explain the phenomenon i just witnessed..

unfortunately, ezra turned around to see me at the very worst point where i was staring directly at him from behind a locker like a total crazy person. ezra saw and looked very embarrassed, of course. he sulked and went off as chaeyoung did, his scary eyes underneath his fringe seemed to blaze, reflecting his anger and disappointment.

anyway.. it was breaktime! i went down to the field to catch some sunshine today, normally i'd go look for ezra so i could stare at him but today i felt i'd been very much up-close and personal enough already. i needed a bit of an ezra break after that agonisingly awkward interaction. it was hot... AGAIN! and the grass, of course, was dry and more yellow and straw-ish, unlike the way grass is supposed to look. does the 'g' in grass not stand for green? nope, here in australia 'g' stands for u r gonna get sunstroke.

break passed by fast and i had my next class sooner than i had wanted it to be. i had geography where i sit next to jake, which was okay i suppose.. except he was sooo boring. we only ever really talked about the work, but - i did see him at the beach yesterday!
"hi Y/N,"
"oh heya," i smiled up at him briefly as he pulled out his chair to sit himself next to me. he almost immediately turned my way to make conversation-
"we saw each other didn't w-"
"yeah! haha," i laughed, looking back at him,
"i did thoroughly enjoy my coke," i giggled,
"oh, great, glad you did" jake responded, smiling, "come by often, there's more where that came from," he grinned.
i breathed a laugh, then opened my book and completely ignored for him the rest of the lesson. it was perfect because i didn't want to talk to him at all, also i fancied some chicken tenders from that one restaurant from my childhood and the craving was interrupting my thought process when i needed to focus.

my chair was uncomfortable, i could feel bum sweat pooling in the base of my chair but tried to ignore it. my scalp was itchy... but i couldn't itch it because i didn't want anyone thinking i had lice... the lesson was almost over anyways, i'd be out soon and finally be able to chill and eat something.

geography with jake finally ended and i practically zoomed out of the classroom, out of the pure desperation to just get away from jake and any further awkward interactions. as i headed up the stairs in the direction of the top field, i experienced my usual sudden palpitation when i made the realisation that ezra was in front of me, barely inches away, even - on the staircase!!!

i just didn't know how to act in front of him, i was shaking a bit and i tried to walk up the stairs quieter somehow, attempting to step lighter as a means to not draw attention to myself.
noo... NOOO!!! it's all going wrong today, he turned around, saw me, and smiled.

"where are you headed?" he asked me, slowing down, and so forcing me to just have to catch up and engage in conversation with him.. "o-oh," i stammered at first, then collected myself, "i was just gonna pop by the canteen, "
"ah right," he nodded, "could i talk to you somewhere after?" he responded.. with the unusual sound of genuine concern in his voice. this was out of the ordinary for ezra... or at least my developed profile of him and his presumed personality and expected behaviours. in reality, though i had so much information on ezra, i didn't know him at all. this was completely new, to me he was totally unpredictable. i knew how he'd behave towards other people from my observations.. but how would he treat me?

we were approaching the top of the stairs and i had naturally fallen behind him where our smalltalk faded out. ezra suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs, but i, completely oblivious, and mentally thinking through what had just happened while looking down, kept going and walked straight into him. NO.

face-first, i collided with ezra - and in a panic to balance myself, i accidentally placed both my hands on his chest. i screwed up my face, gasping and taking a step back, "s-sorry!!"
"o-oh no it's fine hha," he half-laughed.
i looked up at him, he was SMILING. he never ever smiles, like this, like a REAL SMILE!! the only time i had ever seen him smile before like this was when he opened his exam results last year and he did almost incomprehensibly well. and according to my profile on him - in his mind, education was a priority, it was above most things and it meant a lot to him so this.. was i dreaming?

"oh yeah," he began, looking at me with his face and his face looking right at me wowow, his amazing clear skin wowoow, his eyes were so pretty and intimidating at the same time woowoowowowow WOW. my head just wouldn't shut up. "i'm having that yacht party for my birthday, i was wondering.. well you know, there's room for you if you wanna come," he used the hand that wasn't in his trouser pocket to flick back his perfect shiny hair, revealing his eyebrows and making him look somehow even more handsome than before. BA-DUMP.

"well yeah of course, i'd love to come! you have a yacht?" i answered enthusiastically, eyes wide, then suddenly realising and trying to gently tone down the degree to which my eyes were sparkling whilst talking to him.
"oh nice - well yeah, there's a group chat for everyone going, i'll add you to it," he nodded, smiling,
"yep, cool," i nodded too, also smiling.
"well, i'll be off," he said, hands in pockets, then leaning down slightly to meet my eye level and looking at me through his fringe with a small smirk.
"see ya," i beamed, watching as he went off with his usual confident walk, this time his poker-face showing a little more positivity than normal.

'yacht party, huh?' i thought to myself. i wondered what it would entail.. but also... WHAT JUST HAPPENED OMG?!? i giggled, to say i was happy was an understatement. that was the best thing that'd happened to me in years.

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