Chapter One

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This is my first fanfiction, I hope you all like it. I based it off of the show baby daddy, on abcfamily. I just added Zayn. I really hope you all enjoy it. Comment if I should continue <3

Love, Blaire-HeIsPerfect xx

Chapter One- Zayn’s Point of View

I was out late at the studio with the boys. It was nearly 1 a.m. I honestly couldn’t wait another minute to get home and curl up next to Perrie, burying myself into the warm flannel sheets, with the smell of her perfume engulfing my nostrils.

“Hey, Zayn, care to share a cab with me?” Liam asked, as we walked out.

“Sounds great,” I said calling out into the cool winter air for a cab.

“I’m beat,” Liam complained as I gave the driver the address.

“I’m absolutely exhausted,” I mumbled. I scrolled through twitter, smiling as the fans tweeted their love for me and the others. Retweeting a few, commenting on a couple, and following a few others. 

“Here you are,” The cab driver announced as we pulled up to the flat complex. Liam reached into his pocket, but before he could pay the fare I handed the driver a few pounds thanking him, and headed out the door.

“I’ll text you later?” I shouted towards Liam while carefully unlocking the door, protruding into Perrie and I’s flat. 

“Perrie! I’m home,” I shouted examining the bags, and boxes near the door, someone has had a day out with the girls. 

“Ooh yay!” Perrie exclaimed running quickly towards me, jumping into my arms. Kissing my cheek. And then placing a kiss on my mouth.

“How was your day?” I asked while pulling her towards the living room. 

“It was fun, I went out with El, and Dani. We went shopping!” She explained, “How about you?” She asked.

“Lot’s of work in the studio today, got the vocals down for a couple new songs. Not too much.”

“Well I’m headed off to bed, just wanted to make sure you got home in time!” She chorused making her way to the bedroom we shared. 

I on the other hand decided to watch some television and check Twitter a little more thoroughly. Pulling out my laptop, I scrolled through twitter, looking over the boy’s tweets, retweeting some fans, following others, and replying to a lot too. 

The t.v. talked in the background as the rain pattered over head. I unbuttoned my flannel top, revealing the clean white v-neck underneath. And tossing the flannel to the side. 

I decided to go to the kitchen, putting wanter into a cup, and placing it into the microwave for 2 minutes. Warming it up for the tea packet, I had gotten out of the container. I opened up the cabinets looking for some sort of sweet to enjoy with my yorkshire, I came across a box of creme cookies, pulling them out, placing a few onto a plate, and putting the box back. I grabbed my tea and made my way back to the couch.

Just before plopping my tired body onto the couch, a faint knock came from the front door. Who would be knocking at these ours of the night? I thought, making my way towards the red door. Looking out the peep hole, I could see the top of what looked to be a basket. 

Opening the door, I realized, that wasn’t a basket, it was a baby seat. I quickly pulled the seat into the hall, taking off the pink cover. Inside, was a small baby. Pale with curly dark hair popping out of the small pink hat that covered her ears.

“PERRIE! PERRIE!” I called urgently, not knowing what to do. 

“What is it Zayn?” She called groggily, her blonde hair up in a bun on top of her hair, her eyes tired with sleep.

“Erm...” I thought not knowing what to say, but as soon as Perrie noticed the infant, she fell down to her knees unbuckling the sleeping baby from the seat.

“Where did she come from?” Perrie asked, pulling the baby out of the seat.

“I just heard knocking, and opened the door. And there she was.” I explained. The baby began the cry as she got woken up by our talking.

“Shh shh shh,” Perrie chorused, hushing the baby. I looked into the car seat finding a small envelope. I quickly opened it examining the letter. 

She’s just over 7 months old.

Please take care of her.

She doesn’t have a name.

I showed Perrie the note, as she carried the baby to the couch, and placed her down flat next to her, the baby squealed, and cooed.

“What are we going to do, Per?” I asked kneeling on the floor over the baby. Carefully running my finger tips over the infants soft rose-y cheeks. 

“I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. But right now, all I want to do is hold her,” Perrie said scooping up the baby and pulling her to her chest. 

She really looked like a mum. Her motherly instincts showing as she rubbed the baby’s back. Carefully pulling the pink beanie off, dozens of matted dark curls escaping. 

What are we going to do?

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