Chapter Two

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This story is so much fun to write, I know, not many people have read it. But I'm truly proud of my work :) Thanks for reading, please comment, I really want to know what people think of it :) I also would love if you could tell your friends! <3 - Blaire xx

Chapter Two- Perrie’s Point of View

As the boys gathered around the dining room table of me and Zayn’s flat, everyone throwing out questions about the baby. We waited for Paulie, and Simon to come. So we could tell everyone together, at once. 

“Can I hold her?” Eleanor asked, examining the swaddled infant that slept in my arms, I carefully placed the baby into my friends arms, as she hummed a tune, and cradled the baby.

“So, what’s this?” Simon asked walking in.

“Who’s that?” Paul asked, his eyes on the baby girl that had showed up on our door step.

“We don’t know, someone just left her on our stoop, with a note,” Zayn explained,  to the lot.

“She’s adorable,” Eleanor said, cooing towards the bundle.

“That’s it? She just showed up?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, Zayn just called for me, at 3 o’clock in the morning, he sounded as if there were a ghost.” I laughed.

“What’s her name?” Niall asked.

“She doesn’t have one.” I answered back, scooping the baby from El’s arms, pressing her to my chest. Breathing in her sweet smell.

“What are you going to do?” Paul questioned.

“We don’t know,” Zayn said, gently pulling the infant from my arms, as her cradled her in his. 

“I can call an adoption agency,” Simon said. “We could call for a foster home also.” He said pulling his blackberry out. 

“What?” I asked I didn’t want the baby to go to a stranger, I didn’t necessarily trust others. 

“Maybe it’s for the best?” Zayn said lifting an eyebrow.

“No.” I said firmly.

“Well surely you don’t think you can take care of baby nameless by yourself do you? What about Little Mix? What about your career Perrie? Or Zayn’s? You both are hardly ever home. Wouldn’t it be unfair?” Simon asked.

“Well, I can’t give her to a stranger.” I mumbled, stroking the baby’s cheek as she lay in Zayn’s varsity jacket covered arms. 

“Perrie’s right, I wouldn’t be able to do that,” Zayn backed me up.

“What are you going to do, Malik. Keep her as your own?” Simon spit out.

“I think so,” Zayn explained.

“Are you honestly ready for no sleep, what-so-ever? Are you ready for the poopy diapers? The play dates? Never having alone time in your life? To always have a kid attached to your hip? Are you ready for fatherhood, Malik?” He said frustrated. 

“Well no, but I can surely try, and work at it, Perrie will be an amazing mother Simon.” Zayn explained. Aww. 

“I’m in if you are, Zaynie.” I responded, placing my hand on his shoulder for support. 

“It’s not like they’d be doing it completely alone though, Simon. Lou and I will surely help.” Eleanor explained, Lou nodded at her side, and smile across his face.

“Dani and I would love to help also,” Liam said, wrapping an arm around Dani’s torso. 

“I’m sure Niall and I can help out too.” Harry said, Niall said a few words agreeing with him.

“So, she’s your daughter then?” Simon asked.

“Yes, where do we sign?” Zayn asked, propping the baby up on his shoulder. I smiled widely at the idea, Zayn looked so sweet cradling the small baby, her curls matted with sleep, and her dark eyes closed heavily. And her dark lashes stuck up from her lids. 

Simon handed us a long document, post it’s placed throughout telling us where we needed to sign, and whether to sign or initial. As of now, she was baby Malik. we hadn’t thought of a name yet. 


The baby laid on the quilt we had sprawled out across the floor. A bottle propped into her mouth. Some of the contents spilled out of her mouth, wetting her onesie slightly around her neck. El and I had stayed home leaving Zayn, Lou, and Liam to the baby shopping. 

“What are you going to name her?” Eleanor asked as we looked over the baby.

“Surprisingly, Zayn and I haven’t talked about it much.” I admitted looking at the small squirmy baby.

“What about Emma?” El asked.

“She doesn’t really look like and Emma..”


“Hmm.. I don’t think so.”


“I still don’t see it.”

“Well, what about Dillon?” El asked.

“I don’t want people to mistake her for a boy,” I explained.

“Lot’s of people are doing that now a days. Jessica Simpson just named her baby Maxwell...” She explained.

“What about Lucy.” I had always liked the name, it was simple, yet elegant, and she looked like a Lucy.

“Lucy Malik?” 

“Lucy Malik, I really like it, El.” I explained. “Do you like the name Lucy? Huh baby?” I cooed towards her. She squirmed the bottle falling from her lips.

“Lucy?” I heard a familiar husky voice ask from behind me, brown bags full of groceries in his arms.

“I think she looks like a Lucy,” Liam said carrying more brown bags.

“Most definitely a Lucy, what do you say eh, Malik?” Lou added.

 “I love it,” Zayn said, placing the bags onto the floor. And kneeling over Lucy. 

“Are you a Lucy?” He cooed to her, she waved her arms up and down. She touched Zayn’s face, and he rubbed her little tummy.

“Lucy Louise Malik?” He asked me, Louis being my middle name. 

“Lucy Brannan Malik?” I questioned Brannan being his mother’s maiden name. I had always admired his mother. She was such a beautiful person.

“Lucy Eleanor Malik?” El asked. I laughed. 

“Lucy Dillon Malik.” I said. No question about it. Eleanor cheered, she had really loved that name. 

She was our little curly haired baby. Lucy Dillon Malik. 

She was all ours. Mine and Zayn’s.

This will be interesting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2013 ⏰

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