May and the abandoned Ponyta

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Chapter 14

May walked alone by herself on the forest path. Dawn had gone off to train. Although she herself had said she would too, Dawn understood how much she needed time to herself at the moment.

“Curse you Drew.” She whispered quietly. She felt the hurt deep in her heart at all that he had said. She just could not understand why they were engaged in the tug of war they were in. One step forward two back and then two forward before the cycle began.

It was as if they were in some sort of weird dance in which only he knew the steps. It was going on and on. May gritted her teeth as her eyes began to itch. He was rude, crude, mean, nasty and right. That was what really got to her. No matter how she looked at it Drew was, right. It just irked her soul.

The forest had begun to darken, but she could still see her way, either way she was not afraid of the dark, just the monsters darkness hid. Dark people who would smile as they cut your throat. May grimaced in disgust before she heard a strange sound ahead.

It sounded like something was trampling branches and leaves ahead. May frowned before stopping. It was not the sound of something walking or even the sound of something running ahead. If she did not know, better she would swear that was the sound of something on the ground struggling unable to get up.

May swallowed before doing something she knew was dangerous, she gingerly stepped off the well trodden path into the maze of twisting branches ahead of her. Lightly breathing so she could better hear the thrashing, ahead May kept her shudders of well deserved fear to a minimum as she searched ahead. The sounds were so loud she just knew whatever it was had to be huge.

Stepping around the trunk of a huge tree bark May was greeted with a sight that brought tears to her eyes and even broke her heart a little. It was a Pokémon, a Ponyta. May wanted to sink to her knees just looking at the poor creature. Somehow the poor darling had managed to trap itself in branches tangling up its legs in a position that would undoubtedly snap its legs if it kept struggling.

May took a step forward only to stop when the Ponyta scented the air and swung its head to look at her in hatred. May felt herself pale unexpectedly. Just what was wrong with it? There was no way it could know her. She took another step forward to be greeted with a warning snort and a small burst of flame from its mouth.

“Fat chance of me leaving you here!” She said narrowing her eyes as she inched closer. The closer she got to it the more her heart wanted to break. The poor thing was beautiful red mane and tail golden fur and a few unusual black stripes, but it was just covered in scrapes and scars. This one, May just knew it was a fighter.

“Look I’m going to get you out of here whether you like it or not.” May said tilting her head so she could look into the Horse Pokémon’s eyes.  “You can accept it or snort and try to bite me; it won’t stop me because there is no way I’m going to leave you here like this. Do what you want because it won’t stop me.” Grabbing the closest of the branches, May began her hardest to untangle them. She knew that the Ponyta was watching her every move she could feel the wisps of its breathing on her hair, it did not matter though.

Tearing one leg free she took a deep breath before tackling the others, by the time she was finished and the Ponyta was freed  only then did she realise she was not alone. Nurse Joy and her Chansey were silently watching from a safe distance away.

“Ponyta, would you allow me to treat you?” Nurse Joy asked softly while May felt her eyes widen. She swallowed slowly as she considered Nurse Joy’s tone and distance.

Ponyta merely flicked its tail as it swung its head to look May in the eye as she slowly rose to her feet. In her head, May was wondering whether she should slowly back away before making a mad dash for the Pokémon centre when she felt Nurse Joy approach her side.

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