Rain Check 🤪💗

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(A/N): Hello, babes!! I'm back with another hastily written crackfic that I hope you'll enjoy (I totally wasn't scrolling through all of Danny's old tiktoks-)! I won't hold you any longer, please enjoy the story <3

Thunder crashed as I made my way home careful to avoid getting too wet. It had been raining all day, and it had gotten pretty chilly, too. I cursed under my breath as the rain poured harder, beating down on the small umbrella my professor had let me borrow. Fortunately, the warm light of my apartment complex's lobby wasn't too far away. I adjusted the heavy bag on my shoulders and glanced at the dark grey clouds wondering when the rain would subside.

As I entered the lobby of my apartment and shook out my umbrella, my landlady came from behind her desk to greet me. "Welcome back! How were your lectures today?", the kind old lady asked while handing me a small towel. I accepted it with thanks and replied, "It was pretty fair today, Mrs. Jane. Things went south after it started raining, but I was fortunate enough to find an umbrella before I started home!". She grinned and leaned against the desk while gesturing to a large clock. "You're late and you know Danny's going to have a fit! Be sure to be nice to him, and maybe he'll let you slide this time.", she advised and we parted ways with a quick side hug. I hummed nervously as I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to my floor. She was right, Danny was going to throw a fit.

I took out my keys as the elevator stopped and walked to my door. I began thinking of all kinds of ways to get on Danny's good side as I unlocked it. Soon, I was inside the apartment taking off my shoes and coat. "I'm back from school!", I announced cheerily. There was a brief silence before the sound of footsteps met my ears. A couple of moments later, my boyfriend was leaning on a wall with his arms crossed a few feet away. "Fifteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds. That's how late you are.", he informed me with narrowed eyes.

I chuckled anxiously and shrugged. "I got held up after my last class. I didn't think it would rain as bad as it is now.", I explained calmly, "Don't you look nice today!".  Danny narrowed his eyes and looked me over with a scoff. I beamed at him as I made my way into the kitchen. Once I was inside, I opened the fridge to look around.

"So, do you want leftovers or should I cook something?", I questioned while rummaging around containers and various ingredients. I glanced behind me to see Danny staring at me with evident suspicion. "Do you know what you've done?", he inquired while creeping closer. I stood and shut the fridge while silently cursing for the umpteenth time today. "I have no idea what you're talking about.", I answered with fake innocence. He chuckled and leaned against the island counter with his palms flush against the marble surface before tilting his head. "You're lying. You never offer to cook because you can't, and you only give me random compliments when you've done something wrong.", he retorted sharply.

After a few moments of being stared down by my white-haired lover, I sighed and offered him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for being late, love. It wasn't my intention, but it couldn't be helped.", I apologized to which he pouted and turned his back on me. I facepalmed and walked around the counter to wrap him in a tight back hug. "I said I'm sorry! You can't be mad at me now.", I whined while squeezing him as hard as I possibly could. "It's not that you were late in general, it's because you were late on today of all days. We were supposed to watch movies together! I even got out matching pajamas for us.", Danny grumbled and my heart softened. I released him from the hug and walked around to stand in front of him. He huffed and ignored me causing me to roll my eyes.

"Do you want to know why I was late?", I questioned while shrugging off my bag and unzipping it. Danny said nothing as he moved to sit on the counter and inspect his nails. I chuckled as I pulled a large black package from my backpack before holding it up for him to see. "This is why I was late.", I simply said as he glanced between the package and me in confusion. There was silence before realization dawned upon him. "No fucking way! Say sike right now!!", he shouted as he jumped off the counter to take the package from me. I watched with pride filling my chest as he opened it and pulled out its contents. Inside the bag were four large books, all of which he'd been dying to get his hands on for the past six months. I giggled a little as he grinned and flipped through the pages while jumping throughout the kitchen. "Let's fucking goooooo!!", he cheered before sitting the books down and nearly tackling me with a hug.

I tried to hide my smile as he plastered my face with kisses. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?", he asked after a few seconds. I raised a brow and looked him over the same way he had earlier. "Weren't you the one who was about to throw a tantrum because I was a couple minutes late? Where's that same energy from before?", I questioned as a matter of factly. He chuckled and cupped my face before saying, "You sure talk a lot of shit for somebody that can be thrown around like a sack of potatoes.". I gave him an incredulous look before swatting his hands away.

"The audacity!", I stated while putting a hand to my chest, "It's almost like you want me to catch a case.". Danny smirked and silently gathered his books before exiting the kitchen with me trailing behind him. "Where are you going, mister? We're not through!", I exclaimed while following him to our room. He continued to ignore me as he put three of the books on a shelf we shared and one on his nightstand. "Boy, don't make me throw hands!", I shouted while rolling up my sleeves and preparing to square up. He turned around and offered me a confused smile. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't speak 'bitch', but I can get a translator if you'd like!", he teased with fake empathy. I deadpanned and reached into my pocket to pull out my phone. "That's fine!", I started while scrolling through my contacts and putting my phone to my ear, "I'll call one for you.".

The two of us stared at each other as a familiar ringtone began playing and Danny's phone began buzzing in his pocket. With a straight face, he pulled his phone out and answered it. "Hi, is this the Fake Hoe Hotline? I'd like to speak with one of your translators, please!", I said with heavy satisfaction at the echo of my voice from his phone. Danny sighed and hung up the phone before setting it on top of his new book. "I'll admit that was pretty good, but it probably took all three of your tiny brain cells to come up with it.", he retorted while coming to tower over me as if his height could intimidate me. "Baby, I could do this all night. That much I can promise you.", I purred while crossing my arms and staring up at him. He chuckled and lowered himself so that we were face to face.

"Darling, that's a promise I can make sure you'll keep.~"


(A/N): Hello babesss!! I'm sorry for the shitty quality today :(( school has been kicking my ass lately. Anyways, I hope you all are doing okay! Please remember to take care of yourselves; eat well, stay hydrated, and do what makes you happy!! I love you all so much <33

thesmolbean out

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